The little gold star...

I don't know... There are a few people coming up to achieving stardom. We shall see who gets there first.
Dang, you're right, Drac. Too bad... I just can't seem to get the oomph I need at the right time. Besides, it wouldn't work the way I wanted: if we started being able to do that, Shesulsa, Lisa, Kacey and the rest of the multiple star gang could bump anyone they wanted up to a new star in one go... :wink1: I'm just going to have to get lucky, I guess.

It's not luck... it's talent! ;) Except in my case - then it's just people being nice to me!
It's not luck... it's talent! ;) Except in my case - then it's just people being nice to me!

What I mean is, the luck part is getting the timing right so I get to be the one to give someone a star. I've never gotten to do that!! :vu:
WooHoo!! Congratulations Upnorthkyosa!!

That was cool! First time I was able to bump somebody over the edge.
Congratulations, John!!!
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
Congratulation, UpNKy!!

:drinky: :drinky: :cheers: :cheers: :ultracool :cheers: :cheers: :drinky: :drinky:
You aint too far behind yourself...

And it looks like you are getting close to number two as well.

I don't now about that though, a Creature of the noght with Pasties. Something inherently wrong with that I would suspect. :)

Although after working some of the nightclubs it sounds like you have, you would have the best ideas of the proper application of them.
Congratulations, mrhnau—yet another star is born!!

:drinky: :ultracool :highfive: :ultracool :cheers: :ultracool :cheers: :ultracool :highfive: :ultracool :drinky:

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