The little gold star...

Good for you, Carol! I'm toasting your new star even as we speak...

:drinky: :drinky: :highfive: :highfive: :ultracool :ultracool :ultracool :highfive: :highfive: :drinky: drinky:
Good for you, Carol! I'm toasting your new star even as we speak...

:drinky: :drinky: :highfive: :highfive: :ultracool :ultracool :ultracool :highfive: :highfive: :drinky: drinky:

Oh that's awesome! Kampai!! :D :D
The fact is, Carol, probably quite a few of us have been counting down the days till we saw that second... um... gold star (pay no attention to what those Dark Lords would call it!) popping up on top of your posts. You help make MT not just a great forum but a lot of fun to be on—so who deserves it more than you, eh??? :-partyon: <--(that's me, second from the right... :D)
The fact is, Carol, probably quite a few of us have been counting down the days till we saw that second... um... gold star (pay no attention to what those Dark Lords would call it!) popping up on top of your posts. You help make MT not just a great forum but a lot of fun to be on—so who deserves it more than you, eh??? :-partyon: <--(that's me, second from the right... :D)

Thank you SO MUCH. :) :) You always have so many wonderful things to say yourself Exile...and you've got the rep score to prove it! I really really do appreciate it. Truly. :) :) :) :)
AWESOME!! Congrats Carol!!

:ultracool :ultracool :cheers: :-partyon: :-partyon:
Yaaaay!!! I got a mighty RAWR from The Tigress!

Thanks for the congrats Jade !!! :) :) :)

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