The little gold star...

I've been working on Xue Sheng, but I need some help, can't seem to get the job done myself. Calling all members, let's see if we can push him over the edge...
I've been working on Xue Sheng, but I need some help, can't seem to get the job done myself. Calling all members, let's see if we can push him over the edge...

I've already repped him so I'll stand next to you and wait for the others :uhyeah:
:-partyon:Xue Sheng just got a gold star and I watched it happen...WAHOO.... CONGRATZ!!! :-partyon:
it's about bloody time, i've been working on that one for a while


Yeah, me too, hoped to be the one to tip it over... but at least someone managed to, eh?!

:highfive::highfive::highfive::cheers::highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

Congratulations XS! I too had hoped it would be my puny points that would tip the scales, but just glad that it happened.