The little gold star...

Thanks to all for their recent congradulations... i really appreciate being made to feel so welcome on MT, it's a fantastic site! I look forward to learning from (and with!) you all for many posts to come.

Btw, my congrads go out to all the recent star recipients, Shesula, Drac, Terry, Kacey, Geo, Brother John, Pam and Grydth (#1!!). If i've missed anyone, then my apols and congrads to them too!
:cheers: :cheers:

All hail our latest acquirer of a new Gold Star... Congratulations to Admiral
:highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
:-partyon: :-partyon:
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

on his FIFTH!!

... and long may the fleet sail on!

:ultracool :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :ultracool
:-partyon: :-partyon:

... and while we're celebrating people's new fifth Gold Stars...
Congratulations to
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
on HIS!!
:drinky: :drinky: :drinky:
:-partyon: :-partyon:

Well deserved, sir!!

:cheers: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :cheers:
WAY TO GO TO JKS, AND TO BOB TOO even though you almost caused me to spit my beer out... :D

:-partyon: :highfive: :-partyon: :highfive:
:-partyon: :-partyon:

Hey, Kerri, I just noticed...

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

on your Fourth Gold Star!!
:highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
:-partyon: :-partyon:
:cheers: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :cheers:
Congratulations, TKDGirl!!!!!!!!
:-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :drinky: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon:


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