The little gold star...

Congratulations, LawDog!!!

A hearty `Well done' to both LawDog and zDom!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

Congratulations, guys,
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
on both of your new

THIRD Gold Stars!!!!...
:drinky: :drinky: :drinky: :drinky:
:-partyon: :-partyon:

Congrats to zDom on your 3rd Star!!!:cheers::cheers::highfive::highfive::-partyon::-partyon::-partyon:
Congrats zDom!
One of the most valuable posters on the board.
And protector of fast food parking lots from roaming groups of red necks. :lfao: Just kidding, Bro. Congrats, again.

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
Congratulations, Searcher...
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
on your first Gold Star...
:highfive: :highfive:
and more congratulations, to Tez,
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
on your Fourth!!
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

Congratulations to all the new star receipients ... well deserved!!
Congrats Tez!

Love your posts, and how you keep it real.


About that sparring with your instructor, tho. :lfao: Just kidding, Little Sis. Hope the tooth is better. Congrats, again.:asian:
Congrats to Shaderon on her 4th Gold Star..Excellent!!:high5::high5::-partyon::-partyon::-partyon: