If I were king... a minimum 9 months (3 months boot camp, 6 month hitch) would be mandatory for ALL citizens before they could claim citizenship...
Interesting idea except that it would deny citizenship to anybody with even a mild handicap (even flat feet!), anyone who is openly gay, or anyone who belongs to a pacifist religion (like the Quakers), people over the age limit who legally immigrate to this country, and a host of others who don't qualify for the military under current standards.
If you want to have a requirement like that, you'd have to make allowances so all willing people could serve honorably in some fashion, or relegate all those, who like myself, were excluded from military service to an inferior class of sub-citizen residency. Doesn't sound very fair to me. In fact it's ideas like that make be glad to be a gun owner and martial artist... even if the army wouldn't take me I can still fight for my constitutional rights!
More to the point, Clinton and Obama both proposed creating alternative forms of service to your country -- modern equivalents of the CCC, WPA and the like -- so that all young people (and many older folks as well) could serve their nation either within the armed services or through other channels like Vista, the Peace Corps, Teach for America, and so forth. I think it would be a wonderful idea if it became the norm for young people to dedicate a couple of years to serving their country right after high school, before settling down into the work force. But saying that only those who've been in the armed forces should be citizens is wacko. OK, it was interesting when Heinlein suggested it in his science fiction, but it's crazy-talk in the real world.
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