Senior Master
Or its like being forced to buy rotten apples while your neighbors are forced to buy slightly worm ridden apples. There actually is no moral high ground here because everyone is having money taken from them and having a product forced down their throats. Can you blame any one for trying to game this unfair system?
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You bring up another subject that tempts me to mount my soap box. The federal government is too much involved in State business. Education always was, and should still be, a State matter. How ridiculous that the federal government spends money to take money from us in taxes, then supports a bureaucrocy to give it back to the states with many strings on it? Why is the federal government involved in that? Who says they are better at it? I didn't grow up that way and I personally don't agree with it. By the legislaters we have elected, and their need for re-election money, we have allowed to much of State's business to go the the federal government.