I think the whole point missed here is:
The internet has made the whole world smaller, but, less personal. We can easily sit at our keyboard and assume that we can say what we want, when we want (even if it is right and just). We sit in the safety of our home or office, sometime oblivious to the damage our words do to others. Not to mention the colateral damage to the people around them.
It is alot easier to take a "stance" on the internet than it is to take a "stance" in person, where it has real value. If I were out to prove someone a fake, then my first and foremost mission would be to meet, then confront (not with belt in hand) the person. Bouncing back and forth in type, over the net usually does not achieve the desired results, regardless.... & if the acusatations of fraud are acccidently levied at some one who may be legitimate then their reputation may be damaged or ruined. The worst part of that is the accuser walks away (or logs off
) without repercussions for their accusations.
A personal meeting, (not a pound fest either) asking for some sort of validation would be wiser and less damaging to the person who is being validated.
If this person is a fraud, then the appropriate authorities should be notified or the media may be another route.
Because you are at a great distance, it is understood that you would try to do something but, did it accomplish anything? Probabley not. And judging by thier supporters response, you probabley made them dig thier heels in more....
Matter of fact, from what I read, I think that they do find value in what their instructor teaches (I doubt Kool Aid is on the menu in this case), and what is wrong with that?
Oh, and by the way, I know some very legitimate martial artists who teach total crap, these people are not frauds, but would be just as dangerous or more dangerous to thier students than the person you persue.
Keep in mind, someone with a personal agenda can wilfullly do a lot of damage to some ones reputation just by accusation. Burdon of proof should be on the accuser, not on the accused. Someones BB certificate can be legit but the accuser could still question its authenticity.... leaving some doubt in everyones mind....
Not fair is it?
"All of this said without predjudice or malice"
I meant it.
The internet has made the whole world smaller, but, less personal. We can easily sit at our keyboard and assume that we can say what we want, when we want (even if it is right and just). We sit in the safety of our home or office, sometime oblivious to the damage our words do to others. Not to mention the colateral damage to the people around them.
It is alot easier to take a "stance" on the internet than it is to take a "stance" in person, where it has real value. If I were out to prove someone a fake, then my first and foremost mission would be to meet, then confront (not with belt in hand) the person. Bouncing back and forth in type, over the net usually does not achieve the desired results, regardless.... & if the acusatations of fraud are acccidently levied at some one who may be legitimate then their reputation may be damaged or ruined. The worst part of that is the accuser walks away (or logs off

A personal meeting, (not a pound fest either) asking for some sort of validation would be wiser and less damaging to the person who is being validated.
If this person is a fraud, then the appropriate authorities should be notified or the media may be another route.
Because you are at a great distance, it is understood that you would try to do something but, did it accomplish anything? Probabley not. And judging by thier supporters response, you probabley made them dig thier heels in more....
Matter of fact, from what I read, I think that they do find value in what their instructor teaches (I doubt Kool Aid is on the menu in this case), and what is wrong with that?
Oh, and by the way, I know some very legitimate martial artists who teach total crap, these people are not frauds, but would be just as dangerous or more dangerous to thier students than the person you persue.
Keep in mind, someone with a personal agenda can wilfullly do a lot of damage to some ones reputation just by accusation. Burdon of proof should be on the accuser, not on the accused. Someones BB certificate can be legit but the accuser could still question its authenticity.... leaving some doubt in everyones mind....
Not fair is it?
"All of this said without predjudice or malice"
I meant it.