The Jeremiah Wright You Won't Hear on FOX News

please enlighten us how ANY of those statements are in any way true?

Well, I don't want to get into this too much. However, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and Dresden and Tokyo and London and...) deliberately targeted civilian populations in order to force the government into surrender. We usually call that terrorism nowadays. The reason we don't consider those actions terrorism is because we were the "good guys" and we won. If we had lost, the Americans would have been the ones in the docket in Nuremberg up on war crimes charges, and the Germans would have been the ones telling themselves feel-good stories. They probably would have even managed to whitewash the Holocaust by now.

While I disagree with most of Wright says, particularly the AIDS story, I can understand why he feels that way. This guy grew up in a time when he couldn't use the same water fountains as whites or when lynching was still a very real fear. I can understand why he might have a...complicated...relationship with the good ol' US of A.
I think he tells people that WANT to be victims that they ARE victims. I dont for one second think that he believes his own tripe. Considering the multi-million dollar home he lives in and the 10 MILLION dollar line of credit he has at his disposal.

"We usually call that terrorism nowadays"

it is patantly unfair to label things by todays definitions that happened in the past. In the past, targeting the civilian workforce of cities was a viable and legal military target.
But you are right, lets stay on topic. Sorry for the slight derail.

Wright, more than anything else will be remembered as the man that kept Obama out of the whitehouse.
Ah Spike lee

I had actually managed to let myself forget that idiot was still alive.

There is a much simpler reason for Wright to keep yapping. If America elects a black President, all of Wrights crap starts sounding really weak.

Think about it, you can say "The US of KKKA" when there is a BLACK president. It just wont work.

And if blacks found out how NOT bad they have it, Wright is out of a job. Just like Sharpton and Jackson would be.
no worse than anyone else. A lot of things have changed. Hell, EVERYTHING has changed.

Prejudice is out there, but it always will be. In every "group" there will be people there that dont like people of some other group.

Racism is by and large a thing of the past. And I am in TEXAS for crying out loud, we are supposed to be racist, and I just dont see it around anymore.

I would love to discuss this in depth with you, but in a new thread please. I dont want the evil over-mods to ding me for derailing a thread..LOL
no worse than anyone else. A lot of things have changed. Hell, EVERYTHING has changed.

Prejudice is out there, but it always will be. In every "group" there will be people there that dont like people of some other group.

Racism is by and large a thing of the past. And I am in TEXAS for crying out loud, we are supposed to be racist, and I just dont see it around anymore.

I would love to discuss this in depth with you, but in a new thread please. I dont want the evil over-mods to ding me for derailing a thread..LOL

It's not derailing the thread. Racism is at the root of everything that Jermiah Wright says-both the ones that are arguably true, and the ones that seem insane.

While it isn't likely, it's entirely possible that HIV/AIDS was manufactured, and manufactured to be targeted at a certain populace. That it hasn't worked quite that way, and that we can clearly document the way it was introduced into the U.S. (by an gay airline attendant who was probably exposed to it in Haiti, and really, really, REALLY got around...and happened to be white_ kind of puts the lie to this notion, if not entirely. We do have some history of trying to devlelop weapons of that sort,and this is still the U.S. where doctors deliberately withheld treatment from 399 black men with syphillis,in what came to be called The Tuskeegee Experiment just to see and document what would happen-their intention was to let these men die. If that sort of thing could happen-with government support right up to the Surgeon General, right up until 1972(and, at this point, I mentally say nineteen seventy effing two!) then how farfetched is the notion of the U.S. developing and introducing HIV?

I'm sorry, it's a little too easy for people in this country-and I'm deliberately not singling out "white people"-to say that racism is largely a thing of the past. It isn't, trust me-this election, the comments (some racist) of Jeremiah Wright, and the various reactions to it are all proof positive that it isn't. It's great that you're in TEXAS and don't see it, but I'm pretty sure that you're not looking for it, probably because you don't have to. I mean, I'm sorry, but this crime was the product of racism, and it happened in nineteen ninety effing nine!:rolleyes:
And I am in TEXAS for crying out loud, we are supposed to be racist, and I just dont see it around anymore.

Of course YOU don't see it. Why don't you try asking some black folks if THEY see it? I have, and their stories are considerably different.
Of course YOU don't see it. Why don't you try asking some black folks if THEY see it? I have, and their stories are considerably different.

not really, if anything, the white racists would be more inclined to show thier racism around ME as a fellow white man.

Think about it this way, you want to know what men think about women, ask them when there are no women around. Same thing.
I'm sorry, it's a little too easy for people in this country-and I'm deliberately not singling out "white people"-to say that racism is largely a thing of the past. It isn't, trust me-this election, the comments (some racist) of Jeremiah Wright, and the various reactions to it are all proof positive that it isn't. It's great that you're in TEXAS and don't see it, but I'm pretty sure that you're not looking for it, probably because you don't have to. I mean, I'm sorry, but this crime was the product of racism, and it happened in nineteen ninety effing nine!:rolleyes:

uh, NO

that crime is proof that prejudice is still alive. But racism, the systematic dis-empowerment of people because of race isnt an issue any more. His killers were punished just like everyone else. Colin Powel and Condi Rice are proof that people rise to the level of their abilities, and are not limited by the system because of race.

Prejudice is everywhere, from every group. Racism, where the SYSTEM limits your potential?

thats not happening any more.
No, it is not possible. I can elaborate if you are really interested.

I understand that HIV is probably so old as to be positively Biblical, if that's what you mean. I meant possible in a sci-fi, flying car sort of way.....
not really, if anything, the white racists would be more inclined to show thier racism around ME as a fellow white man.

Well, that makes it clear you haven't asked them.

It is pretty arrogant to assume that someone does or does not experience something without even bothering to ask them.
I understand that HIV is probably so old as to be positively Biblical, if that's what you mean. I meant possible in a sci-fi, flying car sort of way.....
If, since I sense you are a believer in evolution, evolution can produce bigger, stronger, smarter creatures over time, couldn't it also produce hardier, deadlier diseases?
uh, NO

that crime is proof that prejudice is still alive. But racism, the systematic dis-empowerment of people because of race isnt an issue any more. His killers were punished just like everyone else. Colin Powel and Condi Rice are proof that people rise to the level of their abilities, and are not limited by the system because of race.

Prejudice is everywhere, from every group. Racism, where the SYSTEM limits your potential?

thats not happening any more.

Once again, I must resort to the slightly excellent Merriam-Webster English-Language Technical Manual, (that's a dictionary, for those of you who aren't engineers....:lol: )


One entry found.


Main Entry:rac·ism Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\ Function:noun Date:1933 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination


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