The importance of the holder in board breaking

But you also need the one breaking TO BE ACCURATE! I've seen one man get a broken finger holding a board and getting kicked in the finger. I've seen several, including myself, get bruises when the kicker missed the middle of the board (heck, some missed the boards on jumpkicks and kicked ME!


Yeah, I took all the skin off my instructor's knuckles the first time I tried to break with a kick. Embarrassing.
I tried to put photos in this reply. When I click the photo icon at the top of the reply box I just get a noise "Boop" . If you tell me how to post the phot I will. Otherwise, e-mail me at and I will send photos.

Try hosting them on Photobucket or webshots and link them. Then you can use the insert image function.

No Boards to show detail and 7 Boards to show how they are held.
You can remove the rods and stand it on the floor for downward breaks.
Thanks for posting those pictures and the instructions Earl! I am thinking of having my prosaically-challenged black belt candidates build a board holder rather than write a paper.....hmmmmm......