The Importance of Conditioning


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
There are lots of types of conditioning that occur in Tang Soo Do. Shim Gung (mental), Neh Gung (spiritual), and Weh Gung (physical) all have to be conditioned in order to effectively defend oneself. Practicing technique alone cannot prepare someone for self defense. Conditioning, as we define it in our dojang, is the act of rendering oneself fit to defend oneself or accustoming oneself to self defense.

With that in mind, lets examine the different types of conditioning...

Physical - the act of preparing the body for self defense.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must condition their strength as much as they can. In the dojang, we practice certain techniques with as little strength as possible so that when we need to apply them in real life, the added strength makes them even more effective.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must condition their stamina. Self defense situation are sometimes over very quickly and sometimes they last and last and last. In order to give oneself a higher chance of survival, it is important to make sure that your body can handle the latter without completely running out of gas.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must condition themselves to pain. This concept is often misunderstood as "beating oneself up" but all it really means is to gradually challenge ones tolerable pain levels. This can be practiced through the practice of Ukemi (falling), Makiwara training (striking various surfaces), contact sparring, and submission grappling. One must always remember that this type of conditioning is a continuum. No one starts in the same place and everyone should gradually move on the continuum in order to remain safe.
Mental - the act of preparing the mind for self defense.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must be able to strike another person and cause pain. As children we are taught not to hit each other and cause other pain. Yet, this mindset runs counter to the act of defending oneself. We must prepare our minds in actually use the techniques that we are using. This can be accomplished through contact sparring, randori, and submission grappling.
  • One must be situationally aware in order to defend oneself. Self defense situations do not typically spring upon us with large announcements. We often need to pay attention to subtle cues that tell us that we are in danger. Pay attention to your surroundings and do not let yourself become preoccupied with things that distract this basic focus.
  • One must be mentally adaptive. During a self defense situation, one must be able to adapted to changes as they come. These changes can often change our goals and strategies and we must be prepared for that. Our practice of Ho Sin Shul in our dojang prepares a student for this.
Spiritual - the act of preparing one's spirit to defend oneself.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must develop their survival instinct. One's spirit must never retreat in battle...if that battle is for one's own survival. If one's goal is self defense as an act of preserving one's life, then one must never calmly accept the fact they they will die in an encounter.
  • In order to defend oneself, one must prepare their spirit for the actions that one may have to take in order to defend oneself. Hurting, maiming or killing all take a toll in real life. This should never be taken lightly.
Please take a moment to think about these forms of conditioning and comment. Please add to these lists if you would like.

Your post is completely true. Your body, mind, and spirit must be ready for battle at all times. If your body wears out, your mind takes over, then spirit. If the battle takes too long and you're not are usually wiped out.

If I missed anything, please tell.

Upnorth I'm not Tangsodo but I also believe conditioning is one of the most important part of your MA training, your post was great by the way.

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