The Hobbit...

I would say 'hollowed out' not 'hollow'. I mean, dwarfs dig, digging = holes.
Yes. Tolkien always described passages, tunnels, halls, mines, etc...not these HUGE wide open (yet strangely somehow lit) caverns with wooden walkways, exposed staircases etc.....
Too much, too open--I agree. Those were some overachieving dwarves. The occasional grand hall is fine, but not everywhere.
Eh, ancient government works programs from the 2nd age. ;)
I'm just trying to figure out how to convert my house to something more....hobbity. :D
I found it enjoyable enough, but was not overwhelmed like with the trilogy. There was a lot of added (and unnecessary) footage relative to nothing other than to stretch a short story line into a long winded 3 movie event. Some of the tie-ins were well done...not all. That said, it does live up to what I've come to expect from Peter Jackson and would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the LoTR experience.
I'm just trying to figure out how to convert my house to something more....hobbity. :D

Start easy... Adobt a hobbitish meal schedule:

7:00 (ish) AM Breakfast
9:00 AM (ish) Second Breakfast
11:00 AM (ish) Elevensies
1:00 PM (ish) Lunch
4:00 PM (ish) Afternoon tea
6:00 PM (ish) Dinner

(I think the long break between lunch and tea is to allow time to do the dishes from the meals to that point, so that you've got enough plates for the rest of the day!)
8:00 PM Supper
I think his representation of the soldiers of Gondor, being the descendants of the Numenoreans, as a whole was terrible, but the overall effort throughout the trilogy was pdg given the magnitude of the endeavor.
I saw The Hobbit opening night in 2D and then again later in 3D and the higher frames per second version. I enjoyed it, especially once it got to the riddles in the dark. I thought the ending was well done too. Interesting that radagast has a bigger part than in the book. Too bad we have to wait one year for the next one! I had wanted a hobbit movie since first reading the book circa 1978! Glad we finally have one ( or three ) :)

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