The Give me a hard time thread

You're ugly and your mama dresses you funny? ;)

Ok, I can't comment on the first part, cause, well, who am I to talk; you know the whole glass house thing. But the second part...I've often wondered who dressed him. But I don't think it's his mom because her taste is much better than that.
see people, this is a classic example of someone going swimming with T-Bone underwear on.

sooner or later you gonna get bit....
lemme see

oh yeah, here is another good one.

schools that dont allow groin kicks in sparring?

lemme see

oh yeah, here is another good one.

schools that dont allow groin kicks in sparring?


Depends on what they're teaching. But if they purport to teach street self defense, than I would say that any school that doesn't at least sometimes allow groin kicks, strikes to the face, throws, sweeps, ground fighting, and weapons, is at best, not honest about the product they are selling.

As to taking a shot at you, hmmm...umm.... Nancy?

Give you a hard time eh? Hmm, lessee... how about

Yo momma is so stupid that it takes her two hours to watch 60 minutes.

You's so stupid you couldn't find your *** with both hands and a flashlight!
He liek, so totally sux and stuff!

I know I should throw some numbers in there, too and cripple the language some more, but I am really old and stuff!

He must be bored, hurt, or both and can't train! :)
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! Get back to the dojang and train or I shall taunt you a second time!
That wasn't your real voice in the videos.
You were dubbed!
Hmmm...the voice in the clip didn't sound very Texan...
Your style is not a real style because it is not part of the World Sokeship Council.

And you can't take up another style unless you are going to drop TKD.
hogu are the giant maxi pads that WTF (olympic style) fighers wear to make sure they dont get a bruised uterus.

dudes included.

they dont wear gloves becasue none of them ever learned to throw a punch

However they are brilliant for children when hey are sparring especially for the littlest ones....because when they fall or get knocked over they lie on their backs like turtles and can't get up again, they squirm around arms and legs flailing then start crying! Makes you laugh and dear me if you teach kids you need a laugh now and again!