The Gift of Fear...


Orange Belt
It is written by Gavin de BeckerMake it a point to pick up a copy of this book it is a great and informative read. Based on 1997 crime statistics, however it's overall content is still relavent to today's concerns in our society of underrstanding violence.


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I think this is a great book, and I've also enjoyed reading some of his other works, including Protecting the Gift, and Fear Less. For the most part, I found his information useful and informative, although I disagree with his anti-gun stance. He speaks alot about trusting your intuition and listening to your gut, and I think some of his advice to women is important. It's worth reading, but you should approach it objectively and think carefully about the points he makes without just accepting them at face value.

Sounds like it might be a good refrence book on aspects of street awaerness. I'll take a look at it if i see it on the shelf any where.
Great book the reads like a novel. It is a must read. Give it to all the people you care about and check out Protecting the Gift as well.

Yours in Kenpo,
Mike G
Hello, One of the best books to read about protecting yourself from others, learning awareness.

The books deals with trusting your instincts. Everyone can learn alot from reading this book.

This is a must have book for your library. Get one! and read it! .......Aloha
Another great book on realistic self defense is

Strong on Defense by Sanford Strong

I have to warn you though, this book is EXTREMELY graphic. He goes in to great detail about very violent real situations, including GRAPHIC descriptions of violence against women and children. He does this to help the reader understand the reality of violence, but it leads to a very disturbing read. I could not read this book for more than twenty or thirty pages at a time, and I was paranoid and concerned about the safety of the women in my life for weeks. I highly recommend it, but it is not for children or the faint of heart. It deals with never giving up and deciding ahead of time what you will do in a violent situation.

Hello, The more real the stories......the more we will remember them. Violence is all around us and we must accept the facts.

I am reading the book again, for the third has many valuable lessons....each time a new focus is discover....learning will never stop for us...

Awareness is a learn tool > Prevention is better than the Cure. .........Aloha
After being throughly convinced that this is the book to read on awareness if any book at all, I ordered this book on Amazon three weeks ago. Should be here in... wait, it should have been here already... *scratches head*

I still have hopes of teaching high school girls this year, so I decided this is a must. "Strong on Defense" looks good from the research I did at Amazon. Definitely high on my waiting list.