The Facts about Spanking - Science shows...

If everybody was special they would be not special.....

I am kinda not seeing the violence spin...

Am I the only one who heard granfire's statement in Syndrome's voice from the Incredibles?


I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics they've ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so everyone can be superheroes! Everyone can be super! And when everyone's super, no-one will be.
Am I the only one who heard granfire's statement in Syndrome's voice from the Incredibles?


I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics they've ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so everyone can be superheroes! Everyone can be super! And when everyone's super, no-one will be.

Seems like I am busted....
Well, a look at some of the sources, like this one , reveals them to be more than a little agenda driven.

After some thought, I'm wondering what people think "the agenda" is?

Also, when does one admit that they might be biased? If it can be reasoned one way, it can be reasoned another way. The research is supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Then again, 25 years ago the children subjected to the experiment of anti- authoritarian rearing came of age and noted on many occasions how hard it was for them to accept boundaries as an adult....consensus of psychologists at the time: Fail.

That may not mean that it was "wrong" maybe society just wasn't ready for it. If we raise individuals in an authoritarian society, perhaps we should expect problems.
i set the yard on fire when i was like 11


momma came home, saw the blackened yard and the ash and the mess, and i awoke to her going upside myhead with a stick

i never set the backyard on fire again.

the beating worked.

and I am as straight and narrow obeying the law as it gets
After some thought, I'm wondering what people think "the agenda" is?

Also, when does one admit that they might be biased? If it can be reasoned one way, it can be reasoned another way. The research is supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Pretty much in the "soft sciences" the agenda is what the researcher thinks it should be. First off, the "experiment" was set up to show that spanking lead to all these bad things. They found data that supported their hypothesis. BUT, and this is key. There are too many other factors to take into account to show any causation period. What was the parents IQ, social adjustment etc. What was the home life like where the children come from? Was education supported in the home and other good values reinforced? Was spanking the ONLY discipline used or was it used in certain circumstances only? How often was the child spanked? What was the aftermath of the spanking, did the parents reinforced that they were loved and why they were spanked or was it just out of anger and the kid sent away to their room?

I'm sure that you can come up with even more variables that play a FAR more important role in the child rearing the the 10 seconds it took to spank the child.
i set the yard on fire when i was like 11


momma came home, saw the blackened yard and the ash and the mess, and i awoke to her going upside myhead with a stick

i never set the backyard on fire again.

the beating worked.

and I am as straight and narrow obeying the law as it gets

Well since you opened the door by using yourself as an example, you also display sharply dualistic thinking, are quick to attack other forumites and label others as "the enemy", constantly try to shout other ideas down (to the extent one can shout on a text-forum, anyway), and just generally display levels of aggression that others have commented on before.

I do not mean this as any type of ad-hominem, but if your'e going to use yourself as an example of how "beatings work", it's only fair to point out some of the other undesired consequences. I'm no psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but if you were constantly beaten (not spanked, but beaten) as a child, it sheds some light on things.
That may not mean that it was "wrong" maybe society just wasn't ready for it. If we raise individuals in an authoritarian society, perhaps we should expect problems.

Every society has rules. And while some societies chose to let the little kids do as they please, once they get older rules apply.
Every where. You can't have a functioning society without it, where everybody does what pleases him.

It was an experiment that did not turn out well. And unlike lab rats we were dealing with people. It came from those people themselves that they found it hard to adjust to a set of rules that their peers had learned as they grew up.
I am not sure if there was a study made about that....
it is impossible to "know" someone based on an internet chat board, so you dont know me.

but let me fill in the blanks for you son.

I was a quiet shy, reserved kid till two things happened

1)i joined the service
2) i got my BB

THAT is what changed me.

I didnt even curse before i was in ther military. Or smoke, or watch porn, or be mean or rude, i was a polite, quiet, respectfull guy.

I was spanked, and even beaten. BUT I have not broken the law, gone to jail, abused sheep, no history of violence etc etc etc which is the sort of anti social behavior is being claimed is a result of spankings

sure, i am a JERK, hell i am an ***

but that isnt what people are claiming is the fault of spanking.

i was spanked OFTEN, but i am not a social malajust

so you would be off base, not only about me (as usual) but just in general as well.

PS I dont shout down dissenting opinions, i refuse to listen to stupid **** that isnt true, and when faced with people in complete denial of reality, i am not above rasiing my "voice"

i do not suffer fools well.

Well since you opened the door by using yourself as an example, you also display sharply dualistic thinking, are quick to attack other forumites and label others as "the enemy", constantly try to shout other ideas down (to the extent one can shout on a text-forum, anyway), and just generally display levels of aggression that others have commented on before.

I do not mean this as any type of ad-hominem, but if your'e going to use yourself as an example of how "beatings work", it's only fair to point out some of the other undesired consequences. I'm no psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but if you were constantly beaten (not spanked, but beaten) as a child, it sheds some light on things.
it is impossible to "know" someone based on an internet chat board, so you dont know me.

but let me fill in the blanks for you son.

...i do not suffer fools well.

Of course I don't know you, didn't claim to, and you don't know me either. Give you a hint though, I'm not your son. I was basing that on forum history, nothing more.

And I"m really not trying to pick a fight. But if you're going to sit here claiming how you're a shining example of how beatings (is it beatings or spankings? you're going back and forth) don't cause problems growing up, well, there's a flip-side to that coin.
Well since you opened the door by using yourself as an example, you also display sharply dualistic thinking, are quick to attack other forumites and label others as "the enemy", constantly try to shout other ideas down (to the extent one can shout on a text-forum, anyway), and just generally display levels of aggression that others have commented on before.

I do not mean this as any type of ad-hominem, but if your'e going to use yourself as an example of how "beatings work", it's only fair to point out some of the other undesired consequences. I'm no psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but if you were constantly beaten (not spanked, but beaten) as a child, it sheds some light on things.

and he's a bit of a bigot (the muslims for example) Thought I'd bring that up too.
and thats a reportable post. Nothign but an ad hom from a thread untouched for over a week and not related to the discussion at all.

Please keep the discussion polite and respectful.

Super Moderator
This thread consists of comments about 'discipline'. Here we see what
this person describes as 'discipline'.

Be advised - this is extremely disturbing.

But it deserves to be seen. FYI - for me, the verbal rage, the threats and the words...
disturb even more than the beating.

our thoughts?

I saw that yesterday and like you thought of this thread.To me it's disgusting and totally unacceptable beating any person like that let alone a disabled child. The 'crime' of downloading music hardly warrents a beating with a belt yet the judge tries to defend it saying that 'we don't understand the issues'. What I see is an assault, something he should have been arrested and charged for.
It's a shame the daughter felt she had to wait so long before she could say anything because I'm betting that it wasn't an isolated incident.

If anyone thinks that what is done to a child when smacking it or beating it is acceptable, think about that situation being in the street and one adult smacking or beating another, then you'll see how unacceptable it is. if you see another adult about to step off the kerb in front of the car do you stop then then smack them? If an adult reaches to an open fire do you smack them to stop them? If an adult gives you cheek on the street do you beat them? If an adult starts arguing with you do you hit them. If an adult is caught stealing do you thump them? Then why do it to a child?
Yet again, adults pounding out their frustrations on a child.

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