I learned something new about Shotokan today. Thank you.Goju Ryu is an Okinawan art that emphasizes Sanchin training and principles of movement and generation of power. Its techniques are executed in a direct forward facing body, for the most part. The footwork of Goju Ryu always moves in an arc, and the feet always meet and separate. Centerline theory is predominant in all techniques. The movements of the kata teach coiling, spiraling and shaking power to effectuate the techniques.
Shotokan is a modified form of Shorin Ryu, which was taught by Funakoshi Gichin - an Okinawan, to the Japanese. Shorin kata emphasize whipping power and relaxed transitions into power. Shotokan does not use these concepts, and is more straightforward punching, blocking, kicking and takedowns and throws. It is more physical in nature and forges muscular strength. The kata are variations of Shorin Ryu kata, but they are applied in very different ways.