"Shotokan is a modified form of Shorin Ryu, which was taught by Funakoshi Gichin - an Okinawan, to the Japanese. Shorin kata emphasize whipping power and relaxed transitions into power. Shotokan does not use these concepts, and is more straightforward punching, blocking, kicking and takedowns and throws. It is more physical in nature and forges muscular strength. The kata are variations of Shorin Ryu kata, but they are applied in very different ways."
Shotokan is Modified form of Shorin Ryu?
Doesn't Funokoshi's linage predate any existing Shorin Ryu linage? Coming before what people think Modern Shorin Ryu is... How can it be a modified form?
Modern Shotokan is not that far removed from what Funakoshi taught.
linage that is close to Funakoshi O-Sensei i.e. Nakayama's JKA, Nishiyama AAKF... My linage i.e. ISKF Okazaki ( both my instructors trained under Okazaki Sensei...) and there are others equally close to the source. (Kanazawa's SKIF comes to mind.) Train a lot of what people think of as Shorin waza.
Shorin compared to Shotokan ... in a non specific general sense... Usually its the angles that are different, Shotokan is more direct, more linear. Shorin is more circular, but that is it. Personally I think Karate is Karate... there is good karate and there is bad karate... nothing more.
The problem with Shotokan is it got to big for it's breeches in many parts of the world. Joe lunch bucket, who never went through a JKA formatted Instructor training course, got a dan grade then opened a dojo and called it Shotokan Karate.
the result.. lots and lots of ????