The difference between the Irish and everyone Else

Silat Student

Blue Belt
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walk
into a pub together. They each buy a pint of beer.
Just as they are about to enjoy their creamy
beverages, a fly lands in each of their pints and gets
stuck in the head. The Englishman pushes his beer
away in disgust, and orders another one.
The Scotsman fishes the fly out and
continues drinking as if nothing happened. The
Irishman also picks the fly out of his drink, but then
holds it out over the beer and yells, "Spit it out! Spit
it out, you b$%#@rd!"

I gotta say that a lot of the jokes here on MT, I've seen before, but that's one of the few that still gets me to laugh out loud.
And NO Irishman is ever drunk . . . . so long as he can hold on to one blade of grass, and not fall off the face of the earth!!

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