When a significant percentage of the population doesn't know the name of the Vice President, or that Iwannajihad is the president if Iran, I have serious skepticism over the views expressed in polls when it comes to world views.
I'm the last person you need to remind how dumb the average american is. Hopefully, I can correct that.
When the poll questions ask whether, or not we should get out of Iraq before the Iraqi's are capable of taking care of themselves, the numbers are different. Polls are only as good as the questions that are asked.
Isn't this funny. Suddenly we know what's better for the Iraqis then they know for themselves.
Everyone you ask. Everywhere you go. The only reason we stay is so that we can force our puppet government to privatize the oil industry. That, ironically, was one of the benchmarks suggested by the democrats.
Imagine that.
The Islamic fundamentalists have been at war for 1,300 years. Imagine the celebration when they find out the exact date the US is going to pull out, regardless of what the conditions in the country are. Osama predicted that the US had no stomach for an extended fight. What you're asking is for congress to prove him right.
Assuming that most of the propaganda about terrorists the media says is true, this statement still has us playing chicken with our soldiers lives. If we were going to spend those lives, wouldn't it be better to do it in a venue that actually protects America?
And then there is the fact that most likely the boldfaced quote is ******** propaganda. So much of this "war on terror" has been fabricated already, its hard to tell what is true and what is not.
The aftermath in Iraq isn't going well but the carnage that would ensue if we pulled out before the time is right would make the current situation pale by comparison. Not to mention what would happen in a region where strength and power are the most respected traits in an ally, and an adversary
How do you know this? Since the US has invaded, there have been over 600,000 civilian casualties in Iraq and hundreds more are dying every week.
I think that if we pulled out, the impetus for this violence would disappear.
On the flip side, I find benchmarks very appropriate. It's time for the Iraqi's to get off their *** and get it together. Remember though, we're expecting them to have a viable, working democracy in only a couple of years. It's been tough enough to accomplish in history, even without a very determined, vicious enemy who has no regard for human life, including their own.
What if the people don't want to work together? What if they want something completely different then what WE want them to have? Is it right for us to force that on them?
Because that's the current state of affairs in American politics. If congress defunds the war, then they buy whatever happens in the aftermath. Right now, they have George W. Bush playing the part of the lightening rod and they're happy for it.
No they don't. Congress is not Commander in Cheif. The President is. The Founding Dathers designed the Constitution so that if congress cut funding for an unpopular war, that would be a check on the Commander in Cheif's power. The assumption was that they believed that a President would be decent enough to bring our soldiers out of harms way if this was done.
If congress cut funding for the war, it would fall on the Presidents shoulders to deal with that. If he decided to keep our nations sons and daughters in harms way without the funds they needed, then HE OWNS THAT DECISION.
Congress is not Commander in Cheif.
You mean, play chicken with our soldiers lives by taking away their funding?
Congress is not Commander in Cheif. If funding is cut and the Commander in Cheif still chooses to perpetrate this war and
everyone dies, Congress could do nothing to stop the President except impeach the bastard.
In an intelligent, appropriate way, as opposed to what we saw in the Vietnam war, the last time congress defunded a war. Sorry, I care not to have history repeat itself in this case. We lost a lot of face in the world with that debacle, the risk here is significantly greater. We want moderate middle eastern governments in our corner. If we tuck tail and run, that's the last thing that's going to happen.
A couple of questions...
1. We've already lost so much face on the world stage when we invaded. How much would pulling out really affect this?
2. Why do we need middle eastern governments "in our corner" in the first place? Are you implying that we need something from them?