Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I don't want to crash any's party, but what's emerging here is very reminiscent of what has happened over the past decade and a half in Japanese and Korean MAs: the `practical bunkai' movement, which seeks to recover the effective fighting applications of the karate-based arts and the hard, street-oriented training methods that go along with those applications and methods of analysis, did not originate in Japan or Korea, but primarily in Great Britiain, Australia and, latterly, the U.S. I'm not sure how much traction that movement has in Japan or Korea even now. I've heard from people who've been that in Korea, TKD is almost entirely competitive in orientation, and that if you want street-smart TKD training, you're much better off looking in the UK, or in some of the more conservative kwan-lineage descendents in the States. In Asia, it's Competition City with these arts, with a few honorable exceptions such as Gennosuke Higaki....
There's a parallel here with the CMA situation described in the preceding posts, for sure.
Party crasher :miffer: :uhyeah:
This is true but it is my understanding that the people teaching in Japan at least know and are passing on the art (if only in form) and its history.
And are there teachers in Japan that know "practical bunkai" that are just not teaching it to anyone?
What is going on in CMA is that there are those that are highly skilled, highly knowledgeable and not teaching anyone for various reasons form they just plain don't want to through they can't get students that will train because it is too hard and/or not pretty. And the ones that are not so good that are younger and better at self promotion are doing the majority of the teaching and much of it is questionable and they, in some cases, know little or nothing about the real history of the arts they teach.
And they try and take advantage of everyone else’s lack of knowledge of Chinese history to promote what they do and, in my opinion; this is where a lot of the “CMA secrets” come from. They don’t know it so they don’t pass it on and say it is "a secret". Or they make something up that no one has seen and say it was a secret transmission. My Sifu has pointed out a couple of these in Yang Taiji recently but he told me and some of his other students, he is not likely to go out and write a book about it. And if he had no students he would have told no one.
TKD, it pains me to admit, I know little about the history of TKD and Korea outside of its interaction with China and Japan. But I do know TKD changed because what I trained many many years ago is somewhat different from what I see today but that was in the pre-Olympic days of TKD