Yes, and I consider that a valid argument to the contrary. US law does not force me to drive or make use of the roads, and I benefit directly from them, as I do receive mail, UPS and FedEx.Hmm, not sure I agree with your very last there, Dan but I am of the opinion that anything infrastructural (which includes social infrastructure like schools as well civil infrastructure like roads to me) should be centrally funded. So, even if you don't use one then your taxes should still be used to pay for the infrastructure for the good of everyone. After all, there are roads in this country that I will never use but it would be silly to try to claim back tax for that.
On the other hand, I am required by US law to school my children. If I am obeying this law though another service provider, I do not wish to be charged for the privilege of using what I may consider an inferior product or a product that forces me to have my kids taught in a way that runs counter to my beliefs.
Having said that, I believe that religious establishments and organizations should be required to conform to the same standards as other non profits or be taxed, so it would all balance out.