The Complete Art of Tang Soo Do - New Book in Progress


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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As I've ramped up my teaching out here in HI and as I've contemplated some of the feedback I've gotten from my first book, The Lost Art of Tang Soo Do, it's become apparent that we need to have a follow up volume. There are a lot of text books out there that go through all of the techniques and the angles and the theory behind the angles, but they are written with all of the assumption inherit in Modern Karate. There are no text books that help a student through this different perspective on karate.

So, I am currently writing a tome that will remedy this. I'd like for this book to fully describe the art and the approach to the curriculum that I described in my first book. I'd like for it to provide students with the nuts and bolts in regards to basics, forms and sparring, so they can get down to business and practice the method. This is probably the biggest job I've undertaken so far. I've laid the book out and began writing and it's pushing 800 pages at 11 by 8. The book will have plenty of pictures of techniques, all taken in the tropical paradise around in and around my dojo.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited to talk about it, so please feel free to comment.
As I've ramped up my teaching out here in HI and as I've contemplated some of the feedback I've gotten from my first book, The Lost Art of Tang Soo Do, it's become apparent that we need to have a follow up volume. There are a lot of text books out there that go through all of the techniques and the angles and the theory behind the angles, but they are written with all of the assumption inherit in Modern Karate. There are no text books that help a student through this different perspective on karate.

So, I am currently writing a tome that will remedy this. I'd like for this book to fully describe the art and the approach to the curriculum that I described in my first book. I'd like for it to provide students with the nuts and bolts in regards to basics, forms and sparring, so they can get down to business and practice the method. This is probably the biggest job I've undertaken so far. I've laid the book out and began writing and it's pushing 800 pages at 11 by 8. The book will have plenty of pictures of techniques, all taken in the tropical paradise around in and around my dojo.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited to talk about it, so please feel free to comment.

I am curious where you are on this book? I would love to get my hands on it. Are you still moving ahead with it? I have other TSD books, but this one sounds like it would be a tremendous resource!!!
I am curious where you are on this book? I would love to get my hands on it. Are you still moving ahead with it? I have other TSD books, but this one sounds like it would be a tremendous resource!!!

I'm still moving forward on it, but it's a long process. I have access to the Hawaii Karate Museum Library, the largest collection of rare books on karate in the world, so a lot of things are coming up. The research for this book has been very interesting...