the chevy volt: plug in once, burns twice


Lifetime Supporting Member
I heard this story on the radio here in chicago. Apparently the new chevy volt has a spontaneous combustion problem, but without being human. Where is the media on the story of the chevy volt just starting on fire? Imagine if this was a toyota.

from the article:

Engineers from General Motors Corp. and insurance representatives investigating whether a Chevrolet Volt or its charging station caused a fire last week that destroyed a garage in Barkhamsted were surprised Monday when the unplugged hybrid electric car began smoldering, four days after the early morning blaze.
Well, they can’t blame lightning, since it never strikes twice in the same spot.
Firefighters returned to the garage about 6 a.m. Monday after smoke emerged from underneath the Volt. The car had not been moved since last Thursday’s fire, which also destroyed a second vehicle, a 1987 Suzuki Samurai that the Volt’s owner had converted to electric power, fire officials said. GM engineers were back in Barkhamsted Monday night to reinspect the vehicle.
"The rekindle this morning really adds to the mystery," Barkhamsted Fire Marshal Bill Baldwin said Monday.
So the Chevy Volt runs out of juice after 50 miles and it burns down your house? — No wonder it isn’t selling like hot cakes.
Yup, this sounds like a quality car. LOL. No thanks. I'll stick with my SUVs. :D
Obama-Motors Volt Catches Fire – Again

From Connecticut’s Hartford Courant:

Firefighters, GM Engineers Return As Chevrolet Volt Smolders In Garage Destroyed Last Week In Fire

April 18, 2011
Engineers from General Motors Corp. and insurance representatives investigating whether a Chevrolet Volt or its charging station caused a fire last week that destroyed a garage in Barkhamsted were surprised Monday when the unplugged hybrid electric car began smoldering, four days after the early morning blaze.
Well, they can’t blame lightning, since it never strikes twice in the same spot.
Firefighters returned to the garage about 6 a.m. Monday after smoke emerged from underneath the Volt. The car had not been moved since last Thursday’s fire, which also destroyed a second vehicle, a 1987 Suzuki Samurai that the Volt’s owner had converted to electric power, fire officials said. GM engineers were back in Barkhamsted Monday night to reinspect the vehicle.
"The rekindle this morning really adds to the mystery," Barkhamsted Fire Marshal Bill Baldwin said Monday.
So the Chevy Volt runs out of juice after 50 miles and it burns down your house? — No wonder it isn’t selling like hot cakes.
The owner, identified as Storm Connors, is a volunteer firefighter who lists his occupations as a training consultant at Teracom Training Institute and a magician and clown.
Perhaps Mr. Connors should just break down and buy a real clown car.
A YouTube video and other information online describe his interest in electric vehicles and how he converted the Suzuki Samurai to run on electricity.
Perhaps he is just a volunteer fireman around the house.
In an online electric-vehicle album, Connors says his wife calls it "Sparky."
We can think of some other names for these cars. In fact, doesn’t GM already have the Blazer?
The Volt and the Suzuki had been plugged in for recharging last Thursday when a fire broke out in the homeowner’s attached garage on Center Hill Road. Connors could not be reached for comment Monday.
"We still remain pretty confident that the blaze was not started by the Volt," Rob Peterson, a GM spokesman, said Monday. He said that GM has not had any similar problems with Volts…
"The vehicles had been left in the garage for investigators and insurers to review when a second incident occurred [Monday]," Doug Parks, GM’s global electric vehicle executive, said in a statement Monday. "Smoke was seen coming from the damaged Volt and the fire department responded quickly."
Parks said the automaker’s engineers have inspected the Volt, and their findings indicate that the vehicle was damaged by the fire, but was not the cause.
"While the Volt’s battery pack sustained damage, it was not extensive enough or of the type that would suggest that it caused the fire," Parks said. "In addition, there is clear evidence based on moderate damage to the cord set and charging system that neither component caused the fire." …
And why wouldn’t we just take the word of "GM’s global electric vehicle executive"?

The article begins with Obama Motors, so it is not an unbiased report from the beginning.

What about the self modified Electric Suzuki?

The Volt and the Suzuki had been plugged in for recharging last Thursday when a fire broke out in the homeowner’s attached garage on Center Hill Road. Connors could not be reached for comment Monday.
"We still remain pretty confident that the blaze was not started by the Volt," Rob Peterson, a GM spokesman, said Monday. He said that GM has not had any similar problems with Volts…

So nothing about Suzuki causing fires? Ah but it was self modified so not the maunfacturer.

So is it possible that the self modifications could be the cause?

So is it possible that he had a poor electrical system in his wall while charging both vehicles?

I hope it is not the product from my company, but to assume it is when there are other possibles is not a valid line of reasoning. I would like to see the arson investigation to see the source of the fire(First). As to the second, I am not sure, and could only speculate which would not be a valid comment until more data is released.
This is a perfect example of how a conservative leaning bias against Obama in the media can cause some serious damage to an American company. Truth isn't even a consideration.
A google search for aticles:

A few samples articles I pulled out:

We have been reviewed by the Fire marshal, the state fire marshal, the CT State Police forensics group, the National auto safety board, 5 engineers from GM; all of whom seem pretty sure that the Volt did not cause the fire. A state electrical investigator spent 4 hours examining the wiring to the Suzuki charger and gave it a clean bill of health.

Neither the Volt nor the Suzuki seem to be the cause at this time.

Connors is himself a volunteer firefighter. He converted the Samurai years ago, and said he did not think the electric vehicles caused the fire.

The owner does not think it was the vehciles itself.
Storm Connors maintains an online blog where he has detailed electric modifications he has made to his home and his vehicles. On the blog, he discusses changing out parts and installing a battery cooling system for the converted Suzuki which he admits were made out of household parts including a "pasta cooker" from Ocean State Job Lot which he reportedly bought for $.88 cents.

I did not see in the reports that they cleared the owner modified Suzuki outright only the charger.

I am interested in see the results if it was wiring or something else. As I stated nothing clearing the owner modified Suziki and use of home appliances for functions not in the original design. As stated waiting for some offical reports on the cause.

As to the second smoldering, I can speculate, but I want to wait for some actual data to be released before commenting.
We need to drag the makers of the volt in front of congress and make them explain why they made a car that starts fires...even if the volt may not have started the fire, they still need to drag them in front of congress...cause they did it to toyota.
We need to drag the makers of the volt in front of congress and make them explain why they made a car that starts fires...even if the volt may not have started the fire, they still need to drag them in front of congress...cause they did it to toyota.

Wait, what?

The car didn't start the fire, so what do you want to investigate?

You know, Toyota was messed up on many levels. THAT does warrant investigation.

But a Volt incidentally parked in a garage that caught fire?
I thought you wanted to cut spending....(closet liberal)
We need to drag the makers of the volt in front of congress and make them explain why they made a car that starts fires...even if the volt may not have started the fire, they still need to drag them in front of congress...cause they did it to toyota.
You ever seen what happens when you park a car on tall grass or leaves? Catalytic converters get a might warm... and I've responded to more than one car fire caused by "careless" parking.

Shall we call all car manufacturers in front of Congress on this? Or maybe it should be the Creator for making flammable plants?
We need to drag the makers of the volt in front of congress and make them explain why they made a car that starts fires...even if the volt may not have started the fire, they still need to drag them in front of congress...cause they did it to toyota.


By your logic:

1) We should prohibit all foriegn sales in the USA unless there is a 100%+ Tax tariff on the vehicle. (* Toyota is protected by this law in Japan *)

2) We should prohibit all foriegn companies from building palnts in the USA as well as Toyota is protected by this Law in Japan as well.

3) GM and other companies have for years gone before Congress or committees and provided data when requested. Sometimes they request a simple little legal document subpoena so that customers cannot bring suit against them later.

4) Toyota's numbers for unintended accelerations is higher than any other company out there.

5) Japan also has a law that no vehicle may be over 5 years old. This helps a lot when every five years you ahve to buy a new vehicle. This law should be there as well, fair is fair.

6) Toyota's unintended accelerations are something that could have been caught if they would have spent some mroe money on the vehicle and tested better. As other manufacturers have done.

7) Toyota had documents that should how much they were saving (Billions) on doing certain things and not what the rest of the industry does. They put a price tag on your life and decided to pay it if called out.

8) Do I need to keep going?
but wait, foreign car makers actually do create jobs in the US...were as a lot of GM building is done elsewhere....
but wait, foreign car makers actually do create jobs in the US...were as a lot of GM building is done elsewhere....


I was not trying to start an us versus them thread.

But ok.

Toyota and Honda do create jobs. I concede your point. They do pay bonuses as well.

They also pay $10 or $12 to start and then max out at $15. Union Companies such as GM, Ford, and Chrysler, end up paying $28 plus higher benefit packages.

Twice the labor costs, or Half the labor costs makes it easier to create more jobs, as you have more and more people willing to work with a company, instead of sleep on the job and do drugs on the job and steal vehicles and parts and blame it all their employer.

Now, before people get all upset, My Dad is a retired UAW member. Unions have their place.

So, I was trying to make a point that one should have data, and not emotions or politics be your arguement. It seems that people create an opinion and then they generate data to prove their point and beliefs.

Unions are good, did they abuse their power? Yes. But they made things safer and got institutions such as OSHA to be create which are very important. I also believe that if a company makes a contract/deal with a person or a group of people it should try to honor that deal/contract. And I work as an engineer, not management as I get treated worse than the Union guys for benefits, for attitude in and out of a plant.
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I was not trying to start an us versus them thread.

But ok.

Toyota and Honda do create jobs. I concede your point. They do pay bonuses as well.

They also pay $10 or $12 to start and then max out at $15. Union Companies such as GM, Ford, and Chrysler, end up paying $28 plus higher benefit packages.

Twice the labor costs, or Half the labor costs makes it easier to create more jobs, as you have more and more people willing to work with a company, instead of sleep on the job and do drugs on the job and steal vehicles and parts and blame it all their employer.

Now, before people get all upset, My Dad is a retired UAW member. Unions have their place.

So, I was trying to make a point that one should have data, and not emotions or politics be your arguement. It seems that people create an opinion and then they generate data to prove their point and beliefs.

Unions are good, did they abuse their power? Yes. But they made things safer and got institutions such as OSHA to be create which are very important. I also believe that if a company makes a contract/deal with a person or a group of people it should try to honor that deal/contract. And I work as an engineer, not management as I get treated worse than the Union guys for benefits, for attitude in and out of a plant.

LOL, I was being sarcastic.

But having 3 major international car makers in state now, it beats the alternative when the government was the single largest employer in the area (and shut down, btw)

My sister-in-law and her BF work at one of them. I have not heard any complaints. It is understood you do the work you signed up for, no ifs or buts. But the pay is top scale for the region.

(it's somewhat funny when you listen to people ask questions like 'can you pull such and such with an 'import' when the very domestic truck they are looking at might have been build abroad, and the 'import' is from down the road, but that's aside the point.)

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