the Chain Letter

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Crawford
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Gary Crawford

This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to other tired and discouraged men. Unlike most chain letters, this one does not cost anything.

Just send a copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally tired and discontented. Then bundle up your wife or girlfriend and send her to the man whose name appears at the top of the list, and add your name to the bottom of the list. When your turn comes, you will receive 15,625 women. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already have. At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184 women, of whom 4 were worth keeping.

REMEMBER this chain brings luck. One man's pit bull died, and the next day he received a Playboy swimsuit model. An unmarried Jewish man living with his widowed mother was able to choose between a Hooters waitress and a Hollywood supermodel.

YOU can be lucky too, but DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One man broke the chain, and got his own wife back again.

Bill Clinton
Gary Crawford said:
This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to other tired and discouraged men. Unlike most chain letters, this one does not cost anything.

Just send a copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally tired and discontented. Then bundle up your wife or girlfriend and send her to the man whose name appears at the top of the list, and add your name to the bottom of the list. When your turn comes, you will receive 15,625 women. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already have. At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184 women, of whom 4 were worth keeping.

REMEMBER this chain brings luck. One man's pit bull died, and the next day he received a Playboy swimsuit model. An unmarried Jewish man living with his widowed mother was able to choose between a Hooters waitress and a Hollywood supermodel.

YOU can be lucky too, but DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One man broke the chain, and got his own wife back again.

Bill Clinton

Oh NO! Not your wife back. ** Shivers **

Some say if you play Rock music backwards you get messages from the Devil.

What do you get if you play backwards Country music?

You get you dog back, your truck back and your wife back.

Personally, I'll take the messages versus the real thing itself :rofl:

I could not resist ;).

over 16,000 women to choose from would be nice though :D
Rich Parsons said:
Oh NO! Not your wife back. ** Shivers **

Sounds like a joke that I know:

A guy goes on vacation to the Holy Land with his wife and mother-in-law.
Halfway through the trip, the mother-in-law dies. So the guy goes to an undertaker who explains that they can ship the body home, but it'll cost $5,000. Or, they can bury her in the Holy Land for $150.00.
"We'll ship her home," says the son-in-law.
"Are you sure?" asks the Undertaker. "That's an awfully big expense. And I can assure you that we do a very nice burial here"
"Look," says the son-in-law, "two thousand years ago they buried a guy here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that chance."
flatlander said:
I would like to participate, but I'm concerned about karma.......

I prefer to laugh and make jokes then to hate ;)

Yet, I understand Karma and wish her all the karma she deserves :D

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