Since I have joined I noticed that CHA3 is not talked about very much and there is not that many threads that even include CHA3. SOOOO as someone who practices this style I thought I would share the CHA3 as it goes until myself.
Shorenji Kempo___________________________JuJitsu
Mitose Clan Judo Okinawa Te
Jigoro Kano Gushin Funakoshi
Kenpo KiuKu Shin-Kai Goju RHU Chitoru
Prof. Paksune 1860 Masatatsu Yanaguchi Chinen
Prof. James Mitose 1918
Prof. William Chow 1926
Ed Parker Prof. Adriano Emperdo 1943 Abe Kamahoahoa
Prof. Marino Tiwanak 1954
C.I. James Goodman 1964 C.I. Robert Myers 1967 C.I. Richard Baker
Inst. Nick Neddo 1974 Inst. Brian Courtright 1978 Inst. Jerry Peirce
Inst. Mark Clippinger 1979 Inst. Steve Stults 1979
Inst. Carl Skidmore
Inst. Tony Foster
Inst. Anthony Foster
Dear Members Martial Talk:
I was a student at Murray State University from 1975 through 1976. I was studying for my master's degree in Fishery Biology at the University. I began my Go Shin Jutsu Kenpo CHA3 training immediately upon stepping foot on the campus as I had previously trained in Tang Soo Do Karate back in CT. I was privileged to have trained under Chief Instructor Robert Meyers, and Assistant Instructors: Carsen; R. Boyd, Ralph Jackson, Randy Whitlow, and others. The training was hard focusing on standing basics, concentration pose, rotations, club techniques, randori, and breaking. I earned a brown belt from the club at Murray and was only sad that I couldn't stay long enough to get my black belt there.
I returned to CT and resumed my training in TSD Karate...however, the intense training I had in Murray...differentiated me from many of the other students who were practicing TSD at that time. My instructors in TSD noticed the difference and inquired about the style. I did share with them some of the rotation techniques, some of the standing strikes...groin scoops, blade edge snapping side kicks, and rolling techniques which incorporated hammer fist strikes to the collar bone. Most of these were not in the Tang Soo Do curriculum canon at the time.
I continued training in Tang Soo Do since my return in 1976. I am currently, the founder of the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan style of Karate. I was promoted to 1st dan, 2nd dan, 3rd dan, 4th dan, 5th dan, and 6th dan by Grandmaster H. C. Hwang son of Grandmaster Hwang Kee from 1972 through 1995. I was promoted to 7th dan, 8th dan, 9th dan, and 10th dan by Grandmaster Andy Ah Po from 1995 - 2023. I was promoted to 10th dan by Grandmaster Andy AhPo as one of his last acts before he passed away in 2024.
I incorporated a few of the things I learned from the Go Shin Jutsu Kenpo (CHA3) Karate curriculum into the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Association. In a tribute to Chief Instructor Myers, I also continue to start each class with the prayer that Chief Instructor Meyers used to start each class (he was a Baptist Preacher when I studied with him in Kentucky).
"Almighty and Eternal God, protector of all those who put their trust in thee, accept this humble homage of our faith and love in thee, our one true God.
Bless our efforts to preserve the integrity of this United States, a nation founded on Christian principles, enlighten our rulers, guide our lawmakers, and preserve the sanctity of our homes.
Bless us in these exercises for the sole purpose of developing our bodies to keep others mindful of your commandments.
Give us perseverance in our actions so that we may use this as a means to get closer to you, our one True God. Amen!"
Thank you for indulging me and allowing me to share my story with you here on this page. My training with Chief Instructor Robert Myers was special. It has stayed with me all my life and I will never forget him or the GSJKK (CHA3) Club. May God continue to bless you all.
Charles Ferraro, Grandmaster / Founder / President
Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Association, Inc. / West Haven Academy of Karate, Inc.
Co-founder - Worldwide Tang Soo Do Family