The Bulge in Bush's Back

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During the first presidential debates, FOX news had a camera behind the candidates (prohibited by the rules). People with a lot of free time on their hands have been going through the tapes and saw an apparent bulge in the president's back. Was he wired? Would some of those awkward delays just the president thinking or was he waiting for his radio prompts from a handler?

What's the frequency Kenneth?

Here's a story from Salon with a photo. Lot's of speculation here, we report you decide.... Some interesting claims.

And what's the deal with Kerry's pen? I've only seen it referenced in some other articles are people claiming he was wired as well? Links? Will the third debate feature nude candidates? I shudder at the thought.
The photo in the Salon link wasn't sufficiently clear for me to make a judgement. It's possible that was just the cut of the jacket.
Hi Flatlander,

I think it is a bad cut in the back of his jacket. He stoops, maybe it is a reminder to stand up straight...

If someone was going to wear one, where would you wear it. Least conspicuous location. Hmmmm

Could it be a high powered hearing device, to help him hear better?

These questions come to mind, he kind of reminds me of Will Rogers.

Probably why he is so popular, the average Joe relates to that and not the information, kind of funny but it is the truth about why people like candidates.

I think he has a nice smile, I like his patent leather shoes, shiny shoes have always impressed me, someone who has shiny shoes is OK in my book. His wife loves him and I like her, so he must be a nice guy.

He only has one house, I think people with a lot of money are cheats. Tax them and not me, my wife and I got to go out and have a real good dinner with our tax refund, then we went to a movie, 911 something, boy is that guy a creep, he does not believe in God.

Regards, Gary
noticed the president on the news last night giving a speech to his loyal supporters in anytown usa. he pretty much said the same things he said at the debate, with similar "timing"... only there was applause and cheers to fill the silence...

hmmm, could his delivery be somewhat "programmed", so he is more effective in front of a cheering crowd, but maybe unable to de-program for a quieter setting?

just an observance...

If they were both wired it only make it clearer that all this bickering about Bush/Kerry is pointless because they are nothing more than front men for others who really pull the string....maybe Ross Perot is doing it all... :)

If they called an election and no one should up what would they do? :)
Wow! Some people don't miss a thing do they? I say let the man alone! I'm sure if was wired then the Kerry camp knew about it and jumped on the bandwagon too.
All kidding aside, no I do not think it was a wire. I think he was hunched over, with his shoulders turned in, which stretched the fabric of the suit across the shoulder blades, causing a bulge of fabric under the shoulder blades.

Also, I think we progressives should stick to the facts. Otherwise we start to sound like THEM. And there's more than enough facts to be screaming about.
Anybody checked for alien parasites? I mean, I READ "The Puppet Masters."

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