I think the Governor and the Mayor were working before hand. However, the enormity of the disaster easily overwhelmed what they were able to do.
So, let me rattle off a couple of points which may, or may not, be relevant.
The New Orleans disaster plans always anticipated that approximately 20% of the citizens would not be able to, or would not choose to, evacuate. It doesn't matter whether the Mayor, Governor, or President says you must leave; some people are not going to leave all of their wordly possessions behind, unattended.
Here is a letter from Governor Blanco to the President.
The Airlines (Federal Aviation Adminstration) told callers on Saturday, that all Sunday flights would be able to depart as scheduled. Many people were stranded when the Sunday flights were cancelled.
The emergency shelters in New Orleans were opened on Sunday at noontime. I don't know how long it was anticipated the shelters would need to function, but I am guessing even the worst scenario did not anticipate 5 days with no power, no food, no water. New Orleans Emergency plan anticipated the need to shelter 100,000 citizens.
The President declared a state of emergency for Louisiana on August 27th.
This declaration, by its very issuance, made Hurrican Katrina an '
Incident of National Significance'.
Incident of National Significance is a specific item from the
National Response Plan.
National Response Plan makes the
Department of Homeland Security the primary coordinator of all emergency proceedures for the
Incident of National Significance.
National Response Plan was effective in December of 2004, and on March 1st, it became the 'official federal government rules' on how to handle a catastrophe. If the Hurricane was not an
Incident of National Significance, then indeed the Mayor and the Governor would be more on the hook ... but, you can't have it both ways; either it is an
Incident of National Significance, which means DHS is the 'go-to-guy' {read FEMA}, or the Hurricane is not an Incident of National Significance ... in which case, I want my money back ... what the hell is DHS doing anyhow?
Yes ... the NRP says everything is handled at the lowest level possible (
All incidents are handled at the lowest possible organizational and jurisdictional level.) This is what all the Administration spin masters are saying .... but keep reading the paragraph .... where it continues (
For those events that rise to the level of an Incident of National Significance, the Department of Homeland Security provides operational and/or resource coordination for Federal support to on-scene incident command structures.)
On Monday, August 29, while the hurricane was destroying 4 of the President's favorite red states .... he was eating birthday cake on a runway with a onetime political foe. Gee, that's thoughtful.
On Tuesday, August 30, Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
P.S. More on the director of FEMA.
Seems that Mr. Brown has done an extensive job of 'padding' his resume. The New Republic (why do they Hate America) has an expose about his real 'legal' backgound.