The best on the web


Brown Belt
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
I would like this oportunity to say to the Admin of Martial Talk in a sincere manner that MATALK scores a definite 10 in my book. Both on content, the general atitude of people that you have attracted to this page, and the support that we all receive from one another is outstanding, the support from the moderaters. In addition this shout out is also to the people that make up Martial Talk, to every poster out there, your maturity, even handed ability to debate with a minimum of flaming and general support that you give everyone here is outstanding. Maritial Talk as a whole, both Admin and members you have made this site the premier site on the internet. I just hope the changes when it has been sold are minimal, this animal works, lets not tinker with it too much. ;)
I agree wholeheartedly! Great job everyone.:partyon:
I third that one! It's a nice bunch of people around here!
bcbernam777 said:
I would like this oportunity to say to the Admin of Martial Talk in a sincere manner that MATALK scores a definite 10 in my book. Both on content, the general atitude of people that you have attracted to this page, and the support that we all receive from one another is outstanding, the support from the moderaters. In addition this shout out is also to the people that make up Martial Talk, to every poster out there, your maturity, even handed ability to debate with a minimum of flaming and general support that you give everyone here is outstanding. Maritial Talk as a whole, both Admin and members you have made this site the premier site on the internet. I just hope the changes when it has been sold are minimal, this animal works, lets not tinker with it too much. ;)

Ditto! ... although, in point of fact, it is not actually being sold. April Fool's joke.

I like it here as well. There are some other great forums out there (Sword Forums springs immediately to mind), but no general martial art's site that can touch this one. I can't believe it's been over a year now since I joined and over a year and half since I started lurking.
Jonathan Randall said:
Ditto! ... although, in point of fact, it is not actually being sold. April Fool's joke.

I like it here as well. There are some other great forums out there (Sword Forums springs immediately to mind), but no general martial art's site that can touch this one. I can't believe it's been over a year now since I joined and over a year and half since I started lurking.

I'll throw in my hoorah's as well for this site/forum. Learned a lot from all of you. I participate in a few and lurk in quite a bit more, mainly lurk because I don't have a frame of reference to that particular art to throw in two bits ... even if I had 'em. But I still learn nevertheless.

Just imagine (hint hint) if more lurkers (hint - poke - nudge) of these many fine forums (wink wink) would participate more instead of lurking (nudge - poke- HINT!) just how much better would it be .... sigh, but tis the nature of people sometimes but thankfully not all the time.

More than half a million posts and still going strong. Rock on Martial Talk.