"Generally", Ray, I think that most of us would agree with your statement about motives. However, individual arguments and positions are not being put forth 'Generally'. They are raised and put forth by 'specific' people. Just because Sean Hannity yells twice as loud, for twice as long, as anyone else on television, it doesn't mean he is four times more correct.
So, yes, Peer Review will usually cause things to 'self-correct'. Except when power and authority wish for it to not self-correct. Did you hear about the head of the Texas science teachers organization got thrown out of a job because of an email raising awareness about 'Intelligent Design'? I thought Dover settled that matter. But, alas, it is an extreme position four, five, or six standard deviations away from the norm, that keeps getting play.
And just as with ID, there are some that will disupte the Keeling Curve ... which I just found out turned 50 this year.