The '07 IKC's: Some observations.

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Well, I spent the day at the International Karate Championships in Long Beach, Calif. It's just what I needed to jumpstart my motivation get the attitude in check.

Alot of good competition. Met up with alot of friends (some that I only see at this event every year).

Good to see Bob White's fighters in action again. Good job Jesse, Jim and Jamie. I love watching Bob coach. Sometimes I don't watch the fight because I'm watching him do his thing on the sidelines. I find his coaching abilities excellent.

It was good to talk to Eric Lee again. We talk once a year for the past 25 years, lol.

Met Ed Downey from Ireland. Heard alot about him over the years and finally got to meet him.

I like watching Paul Dye do his thing. He's got some great leadership qualities that I admire. I don't feel he gets the recognition that he deserves.

All and all it was a good day. Looking forward to next year. Good job Steve Cooper.