Thanks to Bob Hubbard.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Let's give a big round of thanks to Bob "Kaith Rustaz" Hubbard, who recently spent a great deal of time updating the software that runs this site and improving the organization and layout of it. As you may know, Mr. Hubbard also pays the bills for this site, including software and bandwidth. The site is not yet breaking even from advertising and is never expected to do more than break even. If we had to pay Mr. Hubbard his worth as a web design/web hosting expert, this site wouldn't exist.

Originally posted by arnisador

Let's give a big round of thanks to Bob "Kaith Rustaz" Hubbard, who recently spent a great deal of time updating the software that runs this site and improving the organization and layout of it. As you may know, Mr. Hubbard also pays the bills for this site, including software and bandwidth. The site is not yet breaking even from advertising and is never expected to do more than break even. If we had to pay Mr. Hubbard his worth as a web design/web hosting expert, this site wouldn't exist.


Bob?? Bob Who?

Thank you Bob and the rest of the Team for your guys support.

Best Regards
Way to go guys, I don't know that I have ever stayed active this long on a board like this until I found this one!!

WOW Bob, I really like the latest changes you have made to the page.

A lot of really great additions. Bravo to you!!!

I'd like to thank you for all your hard efforts to make THE best (IMO) Martial Art Discussion form on the internet.

Thanks, Bob!!!! :cheers:

<said with an indian accent> "Bob, may the great panda of prosperity poop in your yard." :asian:
I have been very pumped about how positive this board is. Not to mention all these cool new things showing up here and there. Keep up the great work!

Take care
martialtalk kicks ***. i am so glad i found this place. i have never been one for forums, but this place is addictive.... thanx bob & the rest of the MT staff!!!

Ko Map Sum Ni Da (thank you)
Thanks :) I appreciate it...alot!

and tell that panda to hurry up before the snow hits or I'll never find the poop. :D
I oul like to add my thanks also. This is a great site! A good place to chat. Much better than that mess over at Yahoo.
One question though, if it snows, what do you do with a panda poopsicle ? :D

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