Bob Hubbard is awesome...



Just wanted to say that if you ever need webservices, Bob (host/admin of this site) at silversite designs does a wonderful job and is reasonably priced. Particularly if you are a client and utilize his services, he will go above the bar to ensure that everything is running to your satisfaction.

I say this because a company I work with uses his hosting/design service. We were having some trouble with viruses. He directed me to his site at I simply read his articles section on viruses, took his advice, and problems were solved.

So I felt the need to throw down a little endorsement here. Go check out his site and read some of those artiicles; they are very useful to anyone who uses a computer (and if you are reading this, then that means YOU!;))

And if you need web or hosting services, definatily check out silverstar for those needs as well.

You won't be disappointed! :)
