Thank you Andy!!!!!!!!


Crazy like a...
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Somewhere along the line I heard a joke that goes something like "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

Well...I'm in the middle of moving. And I don't have any bodies to move, but its my second move within 6 months. It's still winter in New Hampshire, which means trying to move means coordinating people around...winter in New Hampshire. My friend "R" was helping me earlier in the week. My friend "S" took a light load last week and then with today being a clear day, "S" and Andy M. got one hell of a workout (shall I say) helping me drag boxes to the top of a 3rd floor walkup. I'm really glad the next incoming storm is holding off until Monday. There is still more to do at my old place, but this was one seriously difficult job well done. Orange kitty and I are both trying to get acclimated to our new surroundings.

So THANK YOU Andy for some seriously tough work. I'm convinced of it...friends help you move, real friends help you move stuff up to the top of a walkup in a NH winter. :rofl:
Good man, Andy. I hope that you take it as the compliment I intend when I say that I am not surprised :tup:.
Great Job Andy and Carol great job in having real friends.
You Rawk, Andy! And it's kewl because you LIKE Rawkin'! :D
Kudos to you Andy. I saw a large pickup truck the other day with a bumper sticker on it that said, "Yes, this is my truck. No, I won't help you move."
Even if you don't have a truck, real friends are there for you. You are a good friend Andy. :asian:
Y'know, for someone who swears up and down that he's not a people person... Andy's a pretty good guy.
Y'know, for someone who swears up and down that he's not a people person... Andy's a pretty good guy.

You don't have to be a people person to help someone.
You always know who your real friends are, when you really need help the real ones will stick around.
I'm not surprised at all to see this accolade to Andy Moynihan. This gentleman has all the cynicism in his posts, but in reality would always be there for a friend. I know somebody like him, this guy is always going out of his way for somebody.... even to the extent of giving somebody lunch money.... his own lunch money, of course. This fellow has gone across state lines to help friends and come home, by bus - he can't afford a car.

I asked him if he will be lonely in heaven, without any of the rest of us. Maybe he can look up Andy in the afterlife, especially if the diners up there are expensive.
This is why Cats like Andy so much. Cats Know! who has depth of spirit and who the sleezballs are. This is why you are here Andy, you are a gift for the rest of us.