Texas Kali Kenpo seminar March 27, 2004


Black Belt
Hey folks,

Mr. Kenny Gonzalez (www.kalikenpo.com) will be coming down to Houston, Texas from Riverside, Florida to visit the Houston American Kenpo Training Platform and will be giving 2 seminars while he is here.


Topics covered

Session 1: Moving from the Genetic Code of Kenpo into the advanced Kenpo concept of timing drills and energy drills

Session 2: Kali Kenpo techniques, concepts and principles with timing drill applications incorporated

Date & Time of Event:
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Session 1 - 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Session 2 - 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Location is still TBA, but the tickets have been purchased and he will be here. Check out the flyer on the seminar it should be well worth your time.

Regards, Jason Bugg
Spent the day in Tampa, FL yesterday and I just wanted to thank Kenny Gonzalez for his hospitality. He shared his knowledge of Paul Mills/Ron Boswell timing drills, discussed some of his Kali Kenpo ideas and invited some a FCS Kali instructor over who shared some of their information with me. That evening we went out to eat and low and behold, Ray Dionaldo came over to say hello. It was a great time and I look forward to his seminar here in Houston, TX in March.

The info on the seminar can be found at www.geocities.com/kenpo_2000/news.html

The seminar times and location has changed and updated...

Regards, Jason Bugg
I wanted to thank Mr. Gonzalez for a great seminar. We had a good amount of support (given that it was my first seminar) and everyone walked away with an expanded view of Kenpo. The timing drill applications were excellent and Mr. Gonzalez's ability to generate large amounts of power in a short distance was a testament to his training under Mr. Mills and Mr. Boswell. The idea of the genetic code of Kenpo was very interesting. I also wanted to thank everyone that attended or sent students for their support. I particularly wanted to thank my students in Houston, Mr. Duffy's son Colin who came down, Mr. Abernathy's crew in San Antonio that supports everyone around the state regardless of affiliation (Craig, Troy, etc..), Terry McCord (AKKI) and my IMUA Kenpo brothers that were able to attend. It was a great time.

Regards, jb

p.s. We were having so much fun we forgot to take pictures....

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