testing for yellow next week


Purple Belt
My instructor said he will be testing us for yellow belt next week. I'm excited. A little nervous but it's so cool. Will be a nice xmas present.
Good luck on your testing. As long as you've prepared yourself well going into the test I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
I always found that as long as I was well prepared beforehand, I could go into the test, throw it on autopilot and everything, techniques, forms, etc., would come to me automatically... :asian:
Best of luck on your test.
The fact that you let us know it is comeing up, tells me that you are more than ready. Give it all you've got , then let us know the results.
Thank you. I am ready for this. My instructor said the only way to fail is to give up and not try. That won't happen. I am fired up. It feels good to accomplish something like this. Karate is really opening my world up. The exercise, the new faces, the discipline. I really needed this in my life right now. And it's nice to have a forum like this to talk to other MA"s and get feedback. Everyone is so nice here.
First I must confess that we are not always friendly, but we do try to be most of the time.:D
Will you be sparring or just showing basic stances, and your first form? If sparring go for it but with the control that is expected to show you have learned. Again best of Luck
I just saw you r profile and will refraain from makeing the obvious comment:rofl:
uh oh. the obvious comment. Being a beginner or being a postal worker.? Ha Ha. I know all the postal jokes. As far as sparring we've done choke holds and self defense moves. Forms ,etc. sparring against someone not yet. I'll ask him on monday.
Congratulations on your first big step into the wonderful world of Kenpo! In advance, even... If you're stoked, you will do well.

Go get 'em!!!!

Dan Farmer
Welcome and good luck on your test. I am certain your teacher would not test you if he/she did not feel like you are ready.

Mike, my test is on Friday. I,m getting good practice though. I had class Monday. then tonight and tomorrow. Then before the test on Friday. we'll see how it goes. I am excited. I wanted my yellow belt by xmas and it looks like I'm gonna get it.I'll let you all know Friday night.:)
I'm sure you'll pass your test. Just remember to really learn the stuff you're taught at this period in your martial arts training. This can arguably be called the most important phase of your training. Once you have a firm grasp of the basics, everything else down the line will come easily.

Don't break a leg!

And just don't get nervous. You'll see everything will go smoothly :)
Get a senior student to watch you go through your techniques and things you'll be tested on.
If your unsure of anything practice it. You'll do great just remember to let us know how it goes.
Also do'nt panic if something your not expecting comes up. Relax, reason it out and act upon it, useing what you have been shown.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
I'm sure you'll pass your test. Just remember to really learn the stuff you're taught at this period in your martial arts training. This can arguably be called the most important phase of your training. Once you have a firm grasp of the basics, everything else down the line will come easily.

words to live by there rachel...