Terror Raid in Miami: 7 arrests

There are terrorist cells in many places in the US. I am glad they may have stopped one. And although they do not get much press, domestic terrorism is a very real threat.

Thanks for the post
I wonder how many are true "cells" and how many are pathetic wannabes. Although in the end it doesnt matter.
Blotan Hunka said:
I wonder how many are true "cells" and how many are pathetic wannabes.
/Tinfoil hat on

I wonder how many of these "homegrown" attacks are purely fiction made up by the gov't to justify it's invasive wiretapping and surveillance activies?

/Tinfoil hat off
OUMoose said:
/Tinfoil hat on

I wonder how many of these "homegrown" attacks are purely fiction made up by the gov't to justify it's invasive wiretapping and surveillance activies?

/Tinfoil hat off

Not many I would guess, but regardless, International terrorism and Domestic Terrorism are very real.
OUMoose said:
/Tinfoil hat on

I wonder how many of these "homegrown" attacks are purely fiction made up by the gov't to justify it's invasive wiretapping and surveillance activies?

/Tinfoil hat off

How many may be real threats that this "invasive surveillance" turned up?

Chicken? Egg?
I feel sure that these are genuine threats...I imagine there's a great deal going on behind the scenes insofar as tracking these kinds of criminals. We don't hear about most of it...
Xue Sheng said:
There are terrorist cells in many places in the US. I am glad they may have stopped one. And although they do not get much press, domestic terrorism is a very real threat.

Thanks for the post
Actually when you think about it... they must've been stopping more than these guys. Since 9-11 we've not had a single terrorist incident IN the U.S. What does that say. The cells are lying in wait? Or they're getting caught but it's not being publicized because if so then it leads information about HOW they're being caught thus making them more cautious and resultantly harder to catch.

My brother works for Homeland Securities and hinted around these "possiblities" of why there hasn't been another terrorist attack on our soil.

How we found out about this particular bust is either a intentional or unintentional leak... Or that the evidence is rock solid.

Or that it is coming upon an election year... :uhyeah:
MA-Caver said:
How we found out about this particular bust is either a intentional or unintentional leak... Or that the evidence is rock solid.

Or that it is coming upon an election year... :uhyeah:

An arrest is a matter of public record. It is not a leak.
MA-Caver said:
Actually when you think about it... they must've been stopping more than these guys. Since 9-11 we've not had a single terrorist incident IN the U.S. What does that say. The cells are lying in wait? Or they're getting caught but it's not being publicized because if so then it leads information about HOW they're being caught thus making them more cautious and resultantly harder to catch.

There may be another possibility.

Some folks that are thinking about doing harm get called in by the feds and questioned.

During these sessions, some of the things they think they kept secret seem to be pretty well known to the investigators. But there is no arrests and no further action.

The guys who really did not have enough evidence to take them to court get cold feet and go back to whatever they were doing before and leave ideas about terrorism aside. Some of them may even agree to help the FBI in their searches to keep themselves out of jail. People who they were talking with and planning with are being reeled in for later arrests.

Like the folks in Miami.

Just a possibility.
I have been in meetings this morning ...

We've all heard about the 'Steel Door' that had to be cut down to access the warehouse. AND We know these guys were black "Muslems". AND It has been reported that they wore 'turbins'. Oh, Yeah, and they tried to recruit neighborhood kids to karate classes.

But, did they have any actual weapons?
Any bomb making materials?
How about archetectural plans of any buildings?

This will be interesting to watch ...
MA-Caver said:
Actually when you think about it... they must've been stopping more than these guys. Since 9-11 we've not had a single terrorist incident IN the U.S. What does that say. The cells are lying in wait? Or they're getting caught but it's not being publicized because if so then it leads information about HOW they're being caught thus making them more cautious and resultantly harder to catch.

My brother works for Homeland Securities and hinted around these "possiblities" of why there hasn't been another terrorist attack on our soil.

How we found out about this particular bust is either a intentional or unintentional leak... Or that the evidence is rock solid.

Or that it is coming upon an election year... :uhyeah:

Of course terrorist attacks on American soil were a daily occurence BEFORE 9/11 right?
Xue Sheng said:
No, but they were here. remember Remember February 26, 1993 or April 19, 1995?
Except one of those acts was committed by a white supremacist, who I'm reasonably sure had no ties to al Qaeda... :uhyeah:
Kreth said:
Except one of those acts was committed by a white supremacist, who I'm reasonably sure had no ties to al Qaeda... :uhyeah:

I am saying terrorists were here prior to 9/11, which does not mean it had to be Al Qaeda. Domestic terrorism can be equally as deadly.

But you are correct he had ties to a militia group he had recently left not al Qaeda.. Although whose to say he may have seen Osama on TV once :)
Kreth said:
Except one of those acts was committed by a white supremacist, who I'm reasonably sure had no ties to al Qaeda... :uhyeah:

So? Neither did the IRA, or any number of other groups that could be called terrorists...

Does that mean they aren't?
Xue Sheng said:
No, but they were here. remember Remember February 26, 1993 or April 19, 1995?

Not to be pedantic here. . .

But there has been a greater gap of time between April 19, 1995 and September 11, 2001 (nearly 6 1/2 years) than between June 23, 2006 and September 11, 2001 (less than 5 years).

I'm just sayin'. . .
heretic888 said:
Not to be pedantic here. . .

But there has been a greater gap of time between April 19, 1995 and September 11, 2001 (nearly 6 1/2 years) than between June 23, 2006 and September 11, 2001 (less than 5 years).

I'm just sayin'. . .

And I'm just agreein'

This is true, no argument here. But as for the gap between the first and second attacks on the World Trade Center, things take time to plan. As for the Oklahoma City Bombing there are indications that it was in response to Waco. However he did get into the building rather freely prior to his attack. This has only changed because of 9/11. And American's tend to forget these things, I just like to remind em' once in awhile.

But my main point is that terrorists are here in the US both International and Domestic. And if you look at the way Terrorists organizations are set up, it tends to be very difficult to actually get rid of them. However, luckily, if you can call it lucky, many have a short life and move onto other organizations
Xue Sheng said:
And I'm just agreein'

This is true, no argument here. But as for the gap between the first and second attacks on the World Trade Center, things take time to plan. As for the Oklahoma City Bombing there are indications that it was in response to Waco. However he did get into the building rather freely prior to his attack. This has only changed because of 9/11. And American's tend to forget these things, I just like to remind em' once in awhile.

But my main point is that terrorists are here in the US both International and Domestic. And if you look at the way Terrorists organizations are set up, it tends to be very difficult to actually get rid of them. However, luckily, if you can call it lucky, many have a short life and move onto other organizations

Nothing I can disagree with there.

However, I was addressing the point that the Bush Administration policy of illegal wiretapping (and it is illegal) is somehow "proven" to make us safer based on the fact that there hasn't been a major terror attack in the past five years. My point was that this does not logically follow, as there had been no major terror attacks for over six years prior to 9/11.
