Suit Filed Over Arrests


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Came across this article in todays paper. Thoughts?,0,6568818.story

DANBURY - Lawyers representing a group of day laborers swept up in an immigration raid last year fired their latest legal salvo Wednesday, filing a federal civil rights lawsuit against Danbury and federal officials.

The suit alleges city police illegally conducted an undercover raid with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents at Kennedy Park, arresting the men who have become known as the Danbury 11.
I'm sure this has been an on-going issue, and I do not have all of the specifics. IMHO, if someone wants to come to this country, fine. However, I feel that they should do so legally, become a legal US citizen, get a job, and support themselves and their family, if they come here with one. I really don't have a problem with offering them some help, maybe for a month or two, but after that, no more handouts.

Now, this may seem harsh, cruel, etc. but I really don't see why someone can't get a job and at least make some effort to support and better themselves.
you need to be an attorney specialising in federal immigration laws and Danbury local and state statues to even comment on this one. I was under the understanding that federal law enforcement agencies could use local police to help and detain those violating federal laws,but what do I know?
I know nothing about the incident referenced in this article. But here in New Hampshire, we have had two different 'Chiefs of Police' arrest undocumented workers (in Hudson and New Ipswich).

As the challenges to the Chiefs of Police's actions worked through the court systems, at every turn, it seemd that town officials had no jurisdiction to enforce Federal Immigration Policy.

I do not think these two incidents are the only cases where local enforcement of Federal statute has been challenged and failed.

If the actions were taken by Customs officials, I don't see a problem. If there was a legal provision for the Customs officials to enlist local support, I don't see a problem.

I do wonder about one thing though ... recently, in my town, I saw a gentleman sitting on the side of the road with a hand written cardboard sign "Homeless, Please Help". I wonder why he wasn't at one of those day laborer stops. Are there any citizens on the streets of Danbury looking for similiar charitable donations? In this suit, were any of those in the park that morning citizens or documented?
You are aware that the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights apply to all persons in the Country, and not just citizens, right?
So, arresting criminals for, well, being criminals is wrong? Brilliant.
I am aware of that, are you aware illegal immigration is, well, illegal?
There's something Pythonesque about a group of people illegally residing in a city who are suing the police for illegally conducting the raid which caught them.

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