Hangul question


Master of Arts
For those of you who are proficient in Hangul, I have a couple of questions. I have found romanized pronounciations of a couple of terminology, and I was wondering if someone on here could translate this into Hangul. I only have kindergarten skills at translating, and I don't always find the best romanization either, so any help would be greatly appreciated.. .

Pal mahk (wrist) 팔막
Jip Kye Shon (plier hand) 짚 캬 촌 (not sure about this one)
Ee Ji Kwan Soo (2 finger spear hand) 이지관수
Chwe Ha Dan Jasae (low cat stance) 취하단 자세
Tro (reverse for blocks i.e. reverse inside out block) ㅌ로 (not too sure about this one either)
Hu Gul Ssang soo ha dan mah kee (double arm low block i.e. Jin Do) 후굴쌍수 하단 막기
Ssang Soo Ahneso Pahkuro Mahk Kee(double arm block inside to out) 쌍수안에서 밖으로 막기
Chit Bal Cha Gi (stomping kick) 발차기

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