Terminology translation thread

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
On another thread, a question about terminology came up. As the OP asked that that thread not be turned into a translation thread, I hope that nobody is offended that I quoted a translation question from that thread.

Ok can someone give me them for these words
Sa-bom - instructor
sa-hyon - master
sa-song - grandmaster
pu-sa-bom assistant instructor

That would be greatly appreciated and while we are at it why do some say dojaang and others say to-jang. I have never understood the difference between the d and the t?
Sabeom-nim 사범 님 (hanja 師範): Master teacher (lit. teacher father if I recall); same as Chinese characters as shihan.

Sahyeon and saseong appear to be ITF terms, though I will leave that to others more knowledgeable than myself to confirm. I found the hanja here:http://sooshimkwan.blogspot.com/2011/01/instructor-master-and-grandmaster.html as I was unfamiliar with them.

Sahyeon, from what I could find, is an ITF honorific for 7th - 8th dan masters.

Saseong 사성 (hanja 師聖) is an ITF 9th dan. I am not sure that this term is used in the KKW. I had learned that the word for Grandmaster is TaeSa-Nim: 태사 님 (太師).

Busabeom 부사범, is an assistant sabeom. Same hanja as sabeom, though I am not sure that there is a hanja for the prefix 'bu'. I am pretty sure that the suffix 'nim' has no hanja either.

Hope that helps!

Okay all, I am really good at helping people with their tattoos. I have seen so many incorrect Chinese tattoos that I feel compelled to save the world from that fate. Fire away! Lol
Okay... any thoughts on what I posted? If any of it is wrong, I'd like to know. Not getting any tattoos, but if my post is inaccurate, I'd welcome any correction.


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