Terminators are getting closer all the time

It's a shame that the scientists involved in this project aren't trying to hock ASIMO on ebay yet...god, I'd snap that little million dollar robot up quick.
This is amazing!!! The only way it could be better is to start devloping the Honda sex bot. :viking1: :whip1:
green meanie said:
It's cool and creepy all at the same time...

Yeah. My sentiments exactly. I'm all for technological advancement, but at the same time, I also wonder how much...humanity...we're losing in our quest to make "artificial life".
As I watched the video the thought crossed my mind (since the thread title was about terminators) that we could save a lot of military personell lives with the right programming to replace the live soldier with one of these and then it hit me that it would never happen because the powers that be would never agree to spend that kind of money to replace human military persons.

I agree that the thing runs like it's sneaking from place to place.
thats super cool, that robot has been around for a bit, but it still impresses me with its advancements it keeps making. its just so cool! i wouldn't worry about "losing" humanity here, to do that we need to develop actual inteligence, which is kinda hard to do, being as we don't understand it. i look at it as a sceintific advancement that could be used to create artificial limbs for amputees, and rehabititating paralized people. (cyborgs!! yay!!)
nice videos!
Swordlady said:
Yeah. My sentiments exactly. I'm all for technological advancement, but at the same time, I also wonder how much...humanity...we're losing in our quest to make "artificial life".

Ill be much more worried about that as we develop better "replacement" technology... and my solution for poor eyesight is no longer lasik, but full blown cyberoptics with intigrated digial cameras and night vision technology... when I can have "elective" surgery to have superchrome cybernetic limbs in place of my real ones and a computer interface chip in my brain.

And as I am worrying about the humanity loss, Id be standing in line for my next upgrade...
Technopunk said:
Ill be much more worried about that as we develop better "replacement" technology... and my solution for poor eyesight is no longer lasik, but full blown cyberoptics with intigrated digial cameras and night vision technology... when I can have "elective" surgery to have superchrome cybernetic limbs in place of my real ones and a computer interface chip in my brain.
Sorta like LaForge (Star Trek) in the last two movies... I was once blind now I can see... sigh
that is some creepy, scary stuff.. but amazing nonetheless..

imagine one of those doing security job at your workplace and that thing running amok..
I figure once the bugs are worked out, reactive body armor is put on as a shell and a couple of 20mm chain guns are mounted to it it'll be one hell of a puppy.
theletch1 said:
I figure once the bugs are worked out, reactive body armor is put on as a shell and a couple of 20mm chain guns are mounted to it it'll be one hell of a puppy.
... that's what I'm afraid of... then add a nice CPU so it can be self guiding...