Kembudo-Kai Kempoka
Senior Master
Unique?!? That's beyond's outright wrong. Many people understand this idea, best expressed as "Don't invade Russia in the winter." It's not only a standard strategy, it was so long before his birth. Look at the story of the jo being used against Miyamoto Musashi ("Don't fence a fencer.") That having been said, yes, all to many people forget the lesson.
When I say unique, I absolutely am referring to creative application of the idea. Which is all too rare in the arts, and not nearly that outright wrong. Challenge matches were as likely to get a pie to the face followed by a stomp on the toe, as they were anything else. Many understand the often do you see it? Particularly in the defensive arts, where training engrains patterns that practitioners are wont to deviate from, even if it ain't the best idea at the time?
Teaching non-sequiter defense through sequiter drills is a toughy. And I'm always open to new ideas.