Ten Commitments of Martial Arts

Attend practice regularly and often.
Attend training camps, clinics, and other classes at every opportunity.
Eat healthy and exercise regularly to consistently take care of your body.
Never neglect the basics.
Participate in shiai to challenge yourself to new growth.
Study kata to understand all of judo.
Always give your best effort.
Study and practice judo outside of class.
Put others before self.
Stay humble.
Don’t get involved in petty arguments.
Treat everyone equally regardless of creed, colour, gender, or sexual orientation.
Keep an open mind.
"Karate begins and ends with respect" - Funakoshi
Be respectful at all times

be kind and gentle right before you have to hurt them.
I'll use the same template as the more famous ten commandments.

1. Thou shalt have no art before thy core art. Place this one first.

2. Thou shalt not make for thyself an unearned rank; If thou hast not passed blue belt in anything, do not start thine own organization and make thyself ninth dan.

3. Thou shalt not make wrongful use of thy martial training.

4. Remember thy class days and keep them a priority.

5. Honor thy sensei and the founder of thy art.

6. Thou shalt not use thy school to steal from thy students. If thou hast fees for everything and provide poor training, then thou art stealing.

7. Thou shalt not do wrong by your dojo. If thou must breaketh from it, do so honorably and without airing dirty laundry after the fact.

8. Thou shalt not fabricate a false history for thy art, whether for political gain or commercial appeal.

9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's style; thou art an individual and should not seek to perform exactly like someone else, no matter how good or famous they may be.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's belt. Thy martial journey has its own pace and coveting of belts and rank will distract thee and causeth thee to take shortcuts, thus slowing or even derailing thee on your journey.

And Shihan Moses came down from Mount Sinai and gaze upon the people. In his absense, they had constructed a McDojo. Using a perfect knife hand, he shattered the tablets into dust before their eyes. His loyal students cometh to his side and heretics were tapped out.
