temp healing?


Yellow Belt
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
you know how during competitions u get hurt, wat r good ways to make a temprary recovery, like in the movie karate kid when mr miagy rubs his hands and places them on the spot that hurts, any of u know something like that kind of stuff
Um... please write in complete English words; there are many of us here who don't read text speak very well! :)

As far as your question, there are no short cuts to healing; there are temporary fixes that can help for a little while, but they often lead to greater injury afterward, as such temporary "fixes" are not fixes at all, but often block sensation from the site of the injury. Pain is your body's way of telling you to stop - not your body's way of telling you to block the pain; that should never be done unless it is a matter of imminent danger.
cause i was thinking that kind of thing would be useful in competitions if i strain an ankle or stuff like that
Um... please write in complete English words; there are many of us here who don't read text speak very well! :)

What she said

But in my case I tend NOT to read it, I find it annoying.

English is important if you are in an English speaking country.. please use it, believe me it will come in handy later

As far as your question, there are no short cuts to healing; there are temporary fixes that can help for a little while, but they often lead to greater injury afterward, as such temporary "fixes" are not fixes at all, but often block sensation from the site of the injury. Pain is your body's way of telling you to stop - not your body's way of telling you to block the pain; that should never be done unless it is a matter of imminent danger.

And again... what Kacey said.
you know how during competitions u get hurt, wat r good ways to make a temprary recovery, like in the movie karate kid when mr miagy rubs his hands and places them on the spot that hurts, any of u know something like that kind of stuff

cause i was thinking that kind of thing would be useful in competitions if i strain an ankle or stuff like that

There are techniques that skilled practitioners learn to help you deal with pain and injury immediately, but they're only temporary. Think of the work a good cutman can do in the corner of a boxer; he'll get that fighter through the round -- but the fighter's face is gonna look like hamburger the next day. Short term techniques will get you out of a bad situation, but they'll exact a cost.

There are other, long term techniques that help heal and remedy the harm done to your body through hard martial arts training or just plain hard life. Many of them resemble or are yoga stretching techniques. Others are exercises for joint mobility and cleansing/lubrication. They're worth learning and making regular use of a part of your practice.
you know how during competitions u get hurt, wat r good ways to make a temprary recovery, like in the movie karate kid when mr miagy rubs his hands and places them on the spot that hurts, any of u know something like that kind of stuff

Drink your urine.
There are ways of temporarily numbing parts of your body but that can lead to further injury at times. You would not want to dumb your hand, for instance, then hit something hard and maybe break that hand.
If an injury occurs you have two choices, work around that injury and protect the injured part or stop what your doing
Uh... why? I cannot imagine anything that that would cure - except possibly keep you from dying of thirst in the desert.

I was taking the piss....now ssshhhh he might actually do it!!!!!!!!!!!

Was that not obvious?
I was taking the piss....now ssshhhh he might actually do it!!!!!!!!!!!

Was that not obvious?

Without voice tone, many things are not obvious - that's why there are so many smilies!...:wavey:...:supcool:...:lool:...:burp:...:matrix:...:rolleyes:...:partyon:
I remember seeing a book at Barnes and Noble about urine therapy. There is a whole section of "natural doctors" that extole the benefits of drinking your own urine.

Have at it says me,
although, your cup of pee
Is not my cup of tea!

I know it's a sad attempt at poetry, and for the life of me I can't figure out why it just popped into my head...and more importantly what possessed me to put fingers to the keyboard for all the world to read it.
Without voice tone, many things are not obvious - that's why there are so many smilies!...:wavey:...:supcool:...:lool:...:burp:...:matrix:...:rolleyes:...:partyon:

Yes but before smilies there was common sense ;)
Karate kid is not real! That doesn't really work it was all made up. As for the urine therapy I read about it. I never tried it but it suppose to work. You need to dilute a lot and then take a drop every hour until the symptoms disappears :p