Brown Belt
I'm currently looking for a place to train. I was with an instructor for about a year and it was in a university club. I got a lot out of it and am saddened that I'm no longer able to train with my instructor. I had an experience before the club, though, and this is why I'm posting. Before the great experience I had at the university, I attended a commercial school. I was given almost no first hand teaching from the head instructor. Almost everything I learned about stances, kata, punching and kicking was from the colored belts above me and to be honest, it wasn't very good. I wasn't really taken and showed the mechanics of anything, to be honest, just expected to emulate others. We jumped around in technique. I was practicing a horrible inside outside jump spinning crescent combination before I even learned the proper form for a snap kick. It was bad. Even as a complete newbie I knew it was bad. In light of this experience, I wonder if it is okay or disrespectful to, upon investigating a studio, to tell an owner/ head instructor what I'm looking for in a place to train, that is, a place where proper mechanics and basics are stressed. I truly don't mind being taken out to the side of class and doing stance training or kata or whatever for an hour and a half if I'm not ready to be doing what everyone else is doing. I want to build a house on a good foundation, doing everything in its proper order. I just want to cut though the bull, if I can, in a respectful way, so that I can know if I need to keep looking rather than being caught up in another 6 month contract feeling I made a mistake.