Oh.. My first day.. It was as early as 9 month's ago. 3 months prior to my first day, in my nineteenth year i decided that i finally should abandon my life as a couch potato and start working out. So i started to run, and to work out at the gym. Soon i realized that true power and strength that i was seeking couldn't be found in a gym. The strength to feel safe, the knowledge that you can protect the ones you love, couldn't be found there. So i started to search for marital arts school in my town, and in the nearby city where i am going to college. And after a lot of people pointed me to one school of wing chun in my little province town, i decided that i should take a look at it. The first few training's were free, and you could feel that it was not about money. (A feel that i haven't yet lost.) The si fu, Drazen Pantelic (second master degree, under the guidance and lineage of grandmaster William Cheung), had a good record of martial arts history behind him. But, i never thought that it would be that difficult. Ok, it's true that i was just 3 months into ANY kind of exercises, and was a little overweight, 95kg on 185cm, but it was hard the first day. But i decided to not give up, not on the current exercise or the training as a whole. The first day my best friend went with me too, to see how it is (he later quit). And it was hard to the core of our souls, my lung felt like it is going to give up (my luck that i never smoked and ate healthy, the only unhealthy thing about my lifestyle prior to that was the none existing exercising). I nearly fainted, but i decided that i should rather faint then give up, and in the end, i barely made it, but i made it!
There where a lot of training seasons that where even harder then that one, but with that in mind "i will rather faint , then give up", i made a wonderful progress, and now, one year later i am at 75kg, with a ripped body, huge stamina (i just need some more strength), and i am a second degree wing chun student. Never give up on yourself.