Tear gas deployed against Occupy: Oakland. Crackdowns begin across the US.

With regards to the protester who was hit by a flying object and got a fractured skull, he just happens to be an Iraq War veteran. It's a shame that the idiotic protesters keep trying to bring up his veteran status...

First, and foremost, I thank him for his military service to our country.

However, just because you are a war veteran does NOT give you the right to interfere with law enforcement carrrying out their lawful orders.

If you don't want to take the risk of getting hit by flying tear gas cannisters, rubber bullets, etc., then simply put, obey the orders given out by the police. When they tell you to disperse, obey the law, and disperse. It's that simple.
I am still not sure why they aren't protesting in front of congress or the white house or the offices of Reid, Pelosi, Frank and Dodd as well as Biden and Obama. they actually vote for the legislation, regardless of who is paying their money.
Well they can't find Reid's place, Pelosi's place has magically disappeared off the GPS, Frank's place is too crowded with Fannie and Freddie hanging out there, Dodd's home? They don't know he exists. Biden's place is party city and the protest would fall apart at the keg. Obama, well no one is home.
Well they can't find Reid's place, Pelosi's place has magically disappeared off the GPS, Frank's place is too crowded with Fannie and Freddie hanging out there, Dodd's home? They don't know he exists. Biden's place is party city and the protest would fall apart at the keg. Obama, well no one is home.

LOL, I think everybody is at Joe's place anyhow!
Peaceful Protester
The thing that troubles me in the background to this is that the image of the protesters' being delivered by the media seems largely one made of cliches deliberately chosen to inflame right-minded peoples opinions against them. Whilst it may well be true that they are all like that after all, the worry is that we, the ignorant viewer/listener/reader have no way of easily verifying the truth of the image being delivered.

Which means that they who decide what image we are fed are the ones with an inordinate sway on the turn of events - that is not comfortable.

You make a very valid point. Whomever controls information controls how we form our opinions. That`s why I phrased it like I did, so that if someone who has more information wants to correct me they can. I`m not afraid to admit that I`m not always the most informed on every subject. Some of our American news outlets have been hailing these guys as the saviors of democracy in the US, the 2nd coming of the civil rights movement. I admit I`m pretty opinionated, but I try to be fair.

The thing that frustrates me the most though is that I really do have faith in the idea that our system works because we set up ways to change it peacefully from the begining. And even though the democratic process is really just a very genteel form of mob rule, it`s still the best system we`ve come up with.
Here's the story I found on this man.



Thanks for the link. I did notice however that the story implies that he was at the rally that took place one block from the venue where the President was speaking.He wasn`t. He was actually at a seperate rally five blocks away. And although he was "in public" he was on private property.

My favorite recolection of the event was when several media outlets showed closeups of just the weapon and his shirt and tried to claim that he fit their dreamed up idea of violent white guys protesting Obama because he was black. It was at least 3 days after the event before MSNBC actually admited he was a black man protesting policy (very politely I might add) from several blocks away.
Thanks for the link. I did notice however that the story implies that he was at the rally that took place one block from the venue where the President was speaking.He wasn`t. He was actually at a seperate rally five blocks away. And although he was "in public" he was on private property.

My favorite recolection of the event was when several media outlets showed closeups of just the weapon and his shirt and tried to claim that he fit their dreamed up idea of violent white guys protesting Obama because he was black. It was at least 3 days after the event before MSNBC actually admited he was a black man protesting policy (very politely I might add) from several blocks away.

You're welcome

Not to stir up a who reports what, or how accurately, hornets nest, but I first saw the fact that he was a black man reported on FOX News just after the event. Part of the report was a "This what, and how, "THEY" reported it, and here is the reality." kind of thing. If I remember correctly, it was after that is when MSMBC corrected themselves.

Thanks for the link. I did notice however that the story implies that he was at the rally that took place one block from the venue where the President was speaking.He wasn`t. He was actually at a seperate rally five blocks away. And although he was "in public" he was on private property.

My favorite recolection of the event was when several media outlets showed closeups of just the weapon and his shirt and tried to claim that he fit their dreamed up idea of violent white guys protesting Obama because he was black. It was at least 3 days after the event before MSNBC actually admited he was a black man protesting policy (very politely I might add) from several blocks away.

Um... he was on a city street that had been blocked off for the rally. You know a great many city streets in Oakland that are private property?
Personally, I like the Greek answer to Occupy protesters.

As the weather gets colder, the OB group is calling for donations of cold weather gear. Some people have made the evil suggestion that they buy it themselves. It's also been suggested that they stop using city electricity for their encampment. They are also calling for straw bales to build shelters out of. Personally, I wish they'd just go the hell home as they ruin the look of the park (a traffic circle actually) they are squatting on. Gas mask sales at a local surplus store saw a small spike, though it's unlikely that they'll be needed (except when I visit my relatives who smoke) as Buffalos groups so far little more than a blip. A few notables in the crowd are members of Anonymous, fresh off the Scientology protests from last year. (Those weren't too effective, other than discouraging the org from setting up at the county fair this year. I see similar success in this mission.)
[h=3]Police fire mace at Denver protesters, 20 arrested[/h]

Arrests continue, and as expected the retards fail to "get it".
They point at cops doing their job of -enforcing the law- and claim fascism and "theres democracy in action".

Well you clueless little ****tards, you're right, it is.
You are -breaking the law-.
You are -refusing to obey lawful orders-
You will be arrested.

Police arrested more than two dozen people who refused to leave a park in northwest Portland, Oregon, after warnings that the park closed at midnight, police said.
Authorities in Portland "gave protesters numerous opportunities to simply walk away or choose to be arrested," Mayor Sam Adams told CNN affiliate KPTV.
What part of "Closed" is too hard for you to grasp?
Just because you're protesting doesn't give you a pass on following posted regs.

Police also arrested 38 people in Austin, Texas, who had set up a table with food and other items outside City Hall. When the group was asked to leave the area, the 38 refused and were arrested, police said.
The arrests came two days after the city of Austin issued rules saying food tables at the event must be put away between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

They are allowing you to protest. They are also looking out for the 99% of the population who thinks you're a bunch of wackaloos.

The biggest irony to me is that the idiots in Buffalo who are squatting in a traffic circle and running off my tax paid electric are having no problems with the cops.
Might have something to do with getting the permits they needed to get (required of all), not throwing rocks and paint at cops, not blocking traffic, not causing more problems, not building a tent city or little Hooverville. They are about 100' (as in right in front of and across the street from) city hall.

Why do the WNY idiots get it, and the 'leaders' oh I'm sorry, 'inspiration' doesn't?
Devil's advocate here:

I'm not so sure political protest assemblies are really *meant* to be neat, tidy and accommodating - isn't that the nature of the protest, after all? I mean, if the bad guy tries to choke you out, are you supposed to say, "um ... no thanks" and smile at him as he carries on?

Just for clarity - I'm not advocating protestors inciting violence or doing gratuitous damage ... that said, we do have a right to assemble and to stand up against the government ... just seems like another constitutional right being scrubbed away with accommodation, safety, comfort and other public and political pacification.

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