OK, here's the problema.
Grasp of Death: in response to a headlock from your left side, step towards 10:30 with yoiur right foot, while turning your head to the right, dropping to a right close kneel, and delivering a left-handed claw to the opponent's groin from behind, while simultaneously pinning their right arm down with yhour right arm.
Step through to 10:30, while "arm-barring," their left arm with your left, and pulling their right hand back with your right. exchange hands so that your left pins their right across your lower chest and stomach, and deliver a right reverse punch to their temple or jaw while pivoting to a left forward bow.
First and foremost, I don['t see how a full pivot to a right forward bow would take you towards 6:00--rather, you'd aim at 4:30, since the initial right-footed step into the kneel (predicated on the attacker's yanking you towards your left, and the basic, 'go with the flow' approach to grabs and locks) leads you to the 10:30-to-4:30 line.
Second, I see that your taking the full pivot from Short Form 3--that makes more sense, and I didn't get that before. My error.
As always, Pete, thanks for your courtesy and intelligence.