Teaching Control with Kids/Teens


2nd Black Belt
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
Hello all,

I was just wondering what are some exercises or drills you use to teach kids and the older teens to control their power during sparring class.

Thanks in advance.
Hello all,

I was just wondering what are some exercises or drills you use to teach kids and the older teens to control their power during sparring class.

Thanks in advance.

The same ones I use with adults - but kids and teens generally (but not always) need more practice.
Sounds like an very difficult task. I would just teach and guide as best as i can. But if there is a problem child or person, i would not bother all to long to waste more effort, but rather i would focus on the others to the point that the person realizes he's there to learn and not to kick ***- and while the others are getting better and better there is even more incentive to change attitude.

Generally though i would try to balance out completely noncontact sparring as well as hard sparing.

Whatever you do, don't try to beat it into them! Sounds funny, I know; but it's not. I've heard quite a few stories of instructors trying to teach unruly teen boys to stop sparring too hard by showing them what it feels like on the other end of the foot or fist. If you do this, and the kid's parents object and sue you, you will almost certainly suffer for it. Around here (Texas) adults can be criminally prosecuted (not just sued) for striking kids, and if you're an adult and the kid isn't in the process of killing you or something, you're very likely to be found at fault. Not to mention that it's not a really good example of control...or good judgement.
sorry, the onyl way I have found to teach someone to control thier power is to show them WHY, cuz it hurts, by hitting them as hard as they are hitting thier classmates.