taunting the storm


Senior Master
okay, all you kenpoists. here's a game for us to play.

we all know about the storm sequence: checking/evading/calming/etc....

so your job is to come up with an amusing new name for a 'storm' technique. but you must also invent a technique that somehow matches the funny name.


taunting the storm

defense against an overhead club attack

1. step right and forward to 2 o'clock.
2. kick out left foot and sweep the legs of attacker.
3. stand above the fallen opponent and make fun of him.
4. say something unkind about either
(variation a: the attacker's mother)
(variation b: the attacker's style of dress)
(variation c: the attacker's ancestry)
5. give the attacker the raspberry and run away
I have one called "Rodeo Monkey". Its kinda complex and easy at the same time.
1. crouch in wait for an approaching opponent. Your knuckles should be dragging in front of you. Make monkey faces and noises. Although crouched, stay neutral and adjust for neutrality when needed.

2. Launch your self directly up and at your opponent as you swing your arms one to the face one to the solar plexis striking with upward diagonal horizontal inverted backfists (again yelling "Whooooa")

3. allow your backfists to pass through, and while still airborne redirect both fist down and diagonaly.( while on you second yell of "whooooa!") Let one hammer fist strike the jaw and the other hammer fist strike the kidney upon landing. (the whole manuever should sound like "whoooo whhhooooo!")

4. your second set of strikes should have turn your opponent's back to you.

5. immediatly jump straight up in to the air and bring both knees down on either kindey staddling the spine.

6. cup one hand under his chin. arch your back and wave your free arm (like in a rodeo)

7. see how long you can ride.
Clearing the storm drain

Attack: midlevel thrust with a stick

Step left and divert attack using an x block onto their wrist, (left hand on top)

As your left steps to 12 oclock, both hands rotate ccw. Right hand to their hand and left hand smacks inside of elbow to get it to bend. Right hand cont circle to opp ear, once past their center line, pull straight down to bring opp to ground. While stripping the stick.

Stradle opp and poke repeatedly to loosen up the mass.
Then sweep back and forth until you have a good flow.

Storm drain cleared. %-}

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