Tattoo symbology

Life is so BUSY, I just got back from a trip to Fairtex Japan and Fairtex USA for over a month and I am just not settling back into my HOME Thailand- yea!! The articles are on my TODO list, God willing I will get them done but for now work-work-work. :(
I didn't see that anyone mentioned it, but the tattoos are called "Sak Yant". The tattoos aren't directly related with Muay Thai, but are associated by means of the Buddhist influence in the sport. Many Nuk Muays get them to make limbs indestructable, to have courage in fighting, and many other blessings. The yant's often contain Buddhist Mantras or prayers.

Here is a video on youtube, of a person receiving the sak yant.

As some others have stated, it has been rumored that some people become possessed by the tattoos, and take on its characteristics. I don't know how valid that information is, as the people I have seen... don't seem too convincing.

For more information you can visit this website.
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I was just wondering if anyone has any pictures of these Muay Thai tattoos. I am very interested in learning about them and *possibly* getting one? Any pictures of any quality are appreciated, thanks.
Hey everyone, I just came across this thread as I recently became interested in Sak Yant, the tattoos worn by some Thai fighters.
The article that sparked this interest was: , and it also includes a few pics of the tattoos.

They certainly are works of art, and I guess I might get one when I am in Thailand...

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