

I'm going to light this computer on fire, and kick it around a bit with the yelling and the gnashing of teeth and the frustration mmmklaben nnnngoy.
heheee quite the visual~!

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then go down to 'manage attachments' choose the pic from your folder on your C drive.. click Upload.. then close window.. then submit your post :)
Ok, I'm a retard. I need to get a shirt made. It could have a big arrow pointing at my rear end that says "kick me hard right here because I'm a retard".

Anyhoo, enough of that. Here's my tat.


I have 3:

A celtic cross that a friend designed on my right shoulderblade, A sword with kanji that I designed on my left shoulder, and something I did myself on my right thigh. I don't talk about that one much...I was bitter when I did it. For the one on my shoulder, I used a kanji dictionary to make sure it didn't come up as "kung po chicken" or something like that.

My wife has a fairy on the small of her back, and we both want to get some more done.
None yet for me. But I have 2 ideas that I am definitely getting. One is the Dark Mark from Harry Potter...ok ok ok, laugh all you want, but its a sweet design of a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. And my second one is going to say "If you want peace prepare for war" but in Italian (se desiderate pace, preparisi per guerra"
shaolinchi said:
And my second one is going to say "If you want peace prepare for war" but in Italian (se desiderate pace, preparisi per guerra"
Why Italian?
I was born in Italy...as was my fiancee, I'm not really sure why, but I just love the language
haha, yea to be honest, i really don't know why, i have just always wanted it in italian :)...
Here's a view of the two on my back. No time to buff it up with photoshop, so you guys have to handle a dose of raw Lobo.


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shaolinchi said:
None yet for me. But I have 2 ideas that I am definitely getting. One is the Dark Mark from Harry Potter...ok ok ok, laugh all you want, but its a sweet design of a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. And my second one is going to say "If you want peace prepare for war" but in Italian (se desiderate pace, preparisi per guerra"

that's funny, i've always heard "you cannot pursue peace while preparing for war." agreed on the italian though, it's such a great language.

i don't think i could handle a real tattoo... too painful and way too permanent... but i really want a henna one. something around my bellybutton, or a star on my hip maybe, so it would have to be during the summer.
I dont have any yet but sure plan on getting one,two or maybe like 5.I want one shoulder covered and a few things on my back. I have alot of respect for people that create their own designs and do all the artwork (i know not everyone is great at drawing) but i think its a cool idea.Thats what i'll be doing,its just more personal and you know that its a design no one else will have.

And i plan on Having some japanese Kanji on my back.But i have no sympathy for people that get japanese or chinese or korean or whatever characters without knowing the language or at least researching it! if you ask for "Mystic Shadow Warrior" and get "sexy pink bear" then 100% your fault!...exept for that clown mentioned earlier that inked people incorrectly on purpose...that guy needs to be...no comment.

much respect
I would like a dragon on my shoulder with the 'spirit of the tiger and the dragon' kanji from the kenpo crest running down the side in not too big letters. I know that they're widely available so I can create th design and take it in for tha tattooist to copy for me. I don't want a fancy dragon though, more of a tribal style one like this:


Sensei Cawood has matching tigers tattooed on each shoulder, with 'spirit of the tiger and the dragon' down the spine of one, and 'kenpo karate' down the spine of the other, which look great. I guess he had them done a while ago now though as they're quite faded.

lonecoyote said:
mj-hi-ya, shesulsa, spud, the same thing happens in asia all the time in reverse, from what I've read on the internet, not tattoos especially but everything else, so why not? I can't find the link, but there's an american or brit in Japan who has a site on the japanese misinterpretation of english in products and on clothing. Things on the order of Pschit soda pop and tough looking japanese rockers wearing t shirts that say "cutie girl"

When I was living in Japan I watched a lot of local TV (not that I understood all of it mind you). I was shocked one day to see a daytime drama where the teen boy was wearing a black t-shirt emblazoned with white letters at least 7 inches high saying "F**K." This was national TV, not cable access...

I also had the wonderful opportunity to meet a few local girls, quite attractive, young, ready, willing, etc. (Damn! I'm married!), one of whom had a pink t-shirt with cartoonish writing that asked "pet my p**sy." My friends and I all agreed that, if it weren't illegal and potentially dangerous (from the wife that is), we should have accomodated her friendly request...

Lastly, there was a t-shirt I saw on E-budo that had English words written sideways in kanji-esque style with some interesting phrases on them. Read normally it looked somewhat Japanese, but turn your head and, well, there you go...
mj-hi-yah said:
: Like what does it say behind my avatar :uhohh: ???

"Be nice to pretty girl with pouty lips, or she will kick you in teeth."

There's a whole bunch of stories about "Advertising Gone Wrong in Translation." A couple of the more famous ones:

The Chevy Nova in Spanish speaking countries, which pretty much means "no go" there

The Pepsi campaign here in America had a tagline "Pepsi brings you back to life" way back when. In China, it was translated "Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave." It did sell well for a while...
satans.barber if you want some ideas for a tattoo check out bmezine.com
Got ink. Airborne wings, dragon, couple of flowers and some nondescript jailhouse dither.

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